Rescue within 24 hrs.

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Yes. We can do this. I don't like seeing beating that woman. Blood is all over. Dios mio!!

Baby, I'm here. Your safe now. I love you, Catalina. I'm so sorry. it's over babe. – Steffan

After 48 hours of deadline and panicked and exhausting all their efforts to find Catalina, with the help of Diego and Chris with the Renaulthès men; Nikolai and his trusted men; Steffan's bodyguards. They can't find a clue and he is getting frustrated. Decided to make it public.

Steffan made a public appearance together with the NYPD and Det. McCoy and offered a reward of $500,000 for any information that could lead to the rescue of Catalina. Together with him are Nikolai, Alesandra, and Luis with Nanny Esther and Estella Renaulthè. It was broadcasted live on the morning news nationwide. Press and media are all over them. Few of information was leaked out in the media about Catalina's kidnapping and there was no confirmation yet of what really happened. Det. McCoy is the first who addresses the media. Even Alesandra and her nanny, Esther makes a public pleading to help them locate Catalina and her kidnappers.

Day passed and went on weeks without any clue where is Catalina. They receive a lot of misleading calls coming from people who only wanted the reward and when it investigates it nothing could give them concrete evidence of Catalina's situation. ... everyone is restless, hopeless, and exhausted. Frustrated but they won't stop until they come up with something. FBI and police officers are in Steffan's mansion. They turn a small room into their office and set up a monitoring system to trace any call outside.

He eyed his telephone with furious glances as if he could bully it into ringing, ringing, and give him the news. Still, no news was good news. Isn't that what everyone said?

Pacing up and down as if determined to wear out a thin trail in the carpet, he stared down at his own socked feet. His eyes were large and watery and as he paced, he constantly punched one hand into the other. His hand begins to shake in a way he can't control, all he can do is loop his thumbs into his jean shorts pocket and hope to look casual. Cold sweat glistened on his furrowed brow. With hands clasped tightly in front of his stomach, he constantly fiddled with his knuckles, weaving his fingers in and out of each other.

One week after, Steffan receives an anonymous call... unexpectedly from a man who knows everything about Catalina and the kidnappers.

It was never in their plan to kill someone especially a woman who had done nothing to them. They made a plan to do things on their own. Within 24 hours they need to get out of there and to call Steffan and ask for the rewards of $500,000. Steffan offered to anyone who can give them any information about Catalina's whereabouts. This news came about when they are about to leave and go back to Italy and abandon everything. They saw it on the television with police officers and Steffan Guidicelli offering a reward speaking in public asking everyone for their help.

Then the planning stage began. The planning stage for them is difficult without anyone noticing that they will be leaving. They need to be sure of the house address also before going out. Within 24 hours are only their time frame to move fast.

They plan everything. First, they need to call Steffan and give him a copy of the CCTV in the cafe and who are those people involve who took her. And meet him at night to rescue Catalina before they take her away to another place without them. It will take them an hour to travel going to Manhattan. But it has to be sure they need to call Steffan before it's too late... they took one of Catalina's possessions so that Steffan would believe them also. They can show it to him if he asks for any proof. They are all ready and standing by.

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