First date

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Every time our skin touches, I felt a little tingly, static run through my whole body and my stomach has butterflies. It's really weird. - Catalina❤

I'm like a pit bull ready to devour her. I can't control my sexual urges. My emotions are like a hurricane in full force. - Steffan

Delivery guy...

Catalina is in her office when Alice buzz in her intercom.

"Ms. Anderson, there's a delivery guy here for you."

"What is it now?.. okay.. bring him in." She knew another flower.

"Okay." Alice stood up and let the guy follow her inside Catalina's office. She is smiling.

"Good morning, Ms. Anderson. Delivery for you. Please sign here." The guy holding a bouquet of white roses again. And handed it to her. And let her sign.

She took the flowers and signed it. "Thank you." She said. And the guy left.

Alice also went out and close the door. She knew Steffan make the delivery again for Catalina. Almost every day there is a delivery of white roses for Catalina. Employees are curious who the guy is.. but Alice kept her promise to Steffan not to let anyone know it. It's their dirty little secret. Everyone wants to ask her but they always get the same answer, she didn't know. Hence, they can't ask Catalina about it, we're afraid she will snap at them. It's really none of their business though. She never dated and never saw any guy visiting her or dropping by. It's a mystery to them.

Catalina smells the roses and is grinning. She put it down on her table and open the envelope. She was excited to read the card. And it says.


I would like to have dinner with you tonight. And I'm going to pick you up at 7 in the evening. Looking forward to seeing you tonight.

Missing for your company.
Steffan xoxo

After reading the card, her hands on her chest and she put the card on her lips and kissed it.

Catalina went home as early as 6 in the evening. She didn't say anything to Alice when she came out in her office ready to leave. She just bid her goodnight. Alice knew it was Steffan's doing. She didn't mind it though. She liked it because she will go home early and it only means not working late.

They reached her apartment in less than twenty minutes. Tyler is always driving her Aston. It is the only car she had that she can use for work. She always asks Tyler to go straight to the parking garage from there she had a private elevator going up to her apartment. And she didn't want Tyler to open a door for her. She got out of the car and headed straight to the elevator.

"Thank you Tyler goodnight." And wave her hands.

"Goodnight Ms. Catalina. You have a good night tonight." Tyler smile at her.

"You too. It's the weekend. Enjoy!"

She smiled at him and press the elevator button of her floor and get inside. She had a scattered mind tonight because of Steffan. She remembers her first date night it was always crappy. It always ends in first and nothing comes next. Every man she dated didn't pass to her standard, sometimes boring, sometimes full of themselves and sometimes it ended up she will pay their bills. Those men absorb and she must admit no one comes close to Steffan.

She is secretly and literally looking forward to their first date tonight. She then heard the elevator sound and it opened, she steps outside and walks fast to her door. Excited to get ready to see Steffan. She was smiling a little, a smile with a twist to it, like a smile of a little child getting a candy.

Catalina's DreamsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora