A game of chance

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La' Belle's staff...

When they learned that Steffan is an Italian billionaire everyone wanted to have a piece of him. But no one dares to show it because they know by now that Steffan is madly in love with Catalina. They knew even models, they have no competition except Zoe, which she had an affair with Steffan. That was before Catalina and Steffan became a couple.

Employees of La' Belles' knew how it was when she visits Steffan in his office but everything changes when Steffan started to win over Catalina's affection.

Zoe sometimes asks and visit Steffan's office even without Steffan. She is asking when he will be back from his unofficial leave from the office. She is showing everyone that still she has the guts to show her fighting spirit not to give up on Steffan though she knows by now that Steffan declared to the world that he is with Catalina and they are now officially a couple.

I will not stop until Steffan will say so that we are over. I will not accept that we are over until I say so. It is not your decision Steffan, not yours. I know how to deal with your own demons and nobody knows it except me. Zoe thought as she held her head up high walking along the hallway of La' Belles' office.

In the meantime, during lunchtime at La'Belles' Alice, Mandy, Irish and Stephanie were talking about Catalina and Steffan. They became the topic of everyone during breaks or coffee breaks. Few of their colleagues from the nearby table heard what they are discussing and joined them at their table. What transpires earlier is the talk of the day. A hot topic for everyone.

Alice commented. "Those two are really ridiculous and funny. Catalina is really hard to get. Steffan cannot break her wall that easily. And Steffan is getting into her nerves."

"Hahahaha!!" They laugh about it.

But someone said that she will bet on Steffan for a couple of hundreds. Steffan will break her walls. Everyone agreed and started their own opinion on how and what happened to their bosses. It became a discussion of the opinions of every man and woman in their small circle. Then someone started to consider a bet between the two and the bet started from there.

Even Tyler and few bodyguards joined in. They wanted to prove that men are men and no one will beat Steffan.

The bet is on for $100/each. 

Men say.
* Steffan will knock her off after their vacation in Italy.
* Catalina will fall head over heels to Steffan first.
* Catalina falls for Steffan the moment he laid eyes on her.
* Steffan is a hot commodity and she can't and will not turn him down.
* Steffan is the one who did the roses thing. (It's just a hunch)

Women say... their bet ...
* They both fell for each other.
* Steffan will do anything to get Catalina.
* Steffan fell the first time he laid eyes on her.
* He will propose to her soon.

Alice bet her own theory... that.

*Steffan and Catalina are together since day one. Might have dated once or many times.

Everyone whipped their heads to Alice and Mandy asked her. Shocked were written all over her face and her eyes widened when she asks Alice...

"What?! They've dated already?!"

"I didn't say that. I said they might have. It's just my own observation." Alice is smiling.

Then Irish and Stephanie spoke. "Hahahaha!! Then the bet is on."

"We're on Alice's side," Stephanie said with a smile on her face agreeing with Alice.

Mandy, Alice, Irish, and Stephanie are on it again. They spoke silently through their eyes no one knows what's transpiring except Alice.

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