A bad planning

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"Let's not expect it will be easy for us. It's always calm before the storm." - Luis 

"I don't expect that it would be easy for us but I am expecting the worst. These are the kind of people that will never back down also and they will fight to the very end."- Marko 

"Yes! They will all rot in jail!! - Steffan 

Catalina and Steffan are still in The Maldives, taking time off after the event of La' Belles' fashion show. It was a blast and until now it was the talk of the town and also Catalina's creation.

Even Alesandra ask her where did her inspiration come from but Catalina didn't know also how she able to produce it and all her ideas all keep popping up in her head and all she did was sketch it on canvass and her team and her assistant's help her to design it.

They are still in The Maldives on their so-called vacation, Steffan wanted to go back immediately to Italy with Luis to discuss how to deal with his brother and the Board of Directors, who betrayed him and also his company. He wanted to put them in jail forever and pay for damages to him and to his company. It never left in his mind and he wanted revenge but in a legal matter. As much as he wanted to kill them. Only his Mama and Catalina kept him in not doing it.

The idea came from where he left after the much talked about relationship with him and his ex in Italy over the media. Every time it crosses his mind, he wanted to struggle her with his bare hands and shoot his brother.

Catalina is lying next to him and almost asleep when he slowly gets up from the bed. He reaches the bedside table drawer to get his phone and tiptoed he went out to the veranda to call Luis to let him know that he's going back to Italy the next day. Before he dialed Luis's number, he turns around to glance at Catalina's form sleeping in bed. He stared at her for a while, contemplating something on his mind.

If not for you and Mama, I'd rather have them all killed than deal with it in the court of law. It is much easier for me to do that and I'm not going to waste so much money and time with my lawyers. Aaah Catalina, you just didn't know the effect you have on me.

Ring.. ring... ring...

Luis picks up his phone without checking the screen, knowing it was Steffan.

"Yeah, dude. How are you?"

"How do you know it was me?" Steffan wanted to get even with Luis with his kind of joke. But he was the one surprised to know that Luis beat his game. 

"Dude... no one will call me in the middle of the night to check on me. Niko will not do that. He's out in the game, dude, and besides his with you." His voice sounds raspy and sarcastic.

"Hahaha!! Damn! You got me there my man."

"Yeah dude, I got you there. Anything you need to say? Is this really urgent that it can't wait until later this morning?"

Steffan knows that long before they were in college, Luis doesn't like to be disturb when he is sleeping even if it is a matter of life and death situation. He and Nikolai witnessed it when they try to wake him up during their uni days just to hang out with him after clubbing. Luis was not in his element if he was awakened by anyone and he will throw anything and everything he got hold of his bare hands to show his frustrations. He doesn't care who you are or what you are, as long as you don't disturb his sleep even if the house is on fire he will never get up from the bed. and you are still friends with him. 

They experienced it with Luis throwing all their books and ransacked their whole room when they mistakenly waking him up during his sleep and that was the biggest shock of their life. They can't even stop Luis from doing it. That was their first and last experience of not disturbing Luis from his slumber. That was then that they learned their lesson not to disturb Luis from his sleep. They never try doing it again and they accept their mistakes. 

Catalina's DreamsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя