After Grayson got us smoothies, we head to the hospital. The hospital feels almost as cold as the outside and I silently thank myself for wearing a sweater. When we sign in we have to feel out paper work and insurance. This is something I have learned to hate since being an adult.

"You know, we still haven't told our parents." Grayson says quietly to me.

"I know. It's just we found out only two days ago and I really want to make sure the baby is healthy before we say anything get peoples hopes up." I explain. He grabs my hands to keep me from continuing to write down my information and turns me toward him.

"Hayden Marie, stop thinking so negatively. Our baby, is going to fine. You thinking so negatively is what is scaring you, baby." He kisses my nose and releases my hands.

"Sorry." I mumble.

"Don't be sorry. Just be positive." He tell me. I nod my head and hold his hand while I finish the paperwork. I return it to the front desk and ten minutes later we are called to go back.

"Hi, Hayden is it? I'm Dr. Mayfields Nurse for the day so I will be helping you get all settled in while you wait." He informs us. Grayson gives my hand a light squeeze as we follow him down the hall.

After getting us settled in and everything prepared he leaves the room. I lay back on the bed and look at Grayson as he stared down at me.

"This is actually happening" He breathes, kissing my knuckles. I bring his to my lips and Dr. Mayfield walked in.

"I hear we are having a baby?" She smiles at us as she puts hand sanitizer on and teal gloves over her hands. Grayson and I nod our heads.

"Wonderful. Alright Hayden, will you unbutton your pants just a bit and lift your sweater up." I nod my head, already knowing this would happen.

She does a few things with the computer before squirting the jelly on the monitor. She warns me it will be a little cool before she places it on my lower stomach at first. She moves it around before stopping and taking pictures here and there.

"Wow." She smiles down at us. I look at Grayson confused and he holds the same look. "You're having twins." Grayson and I look at each other in shock. It's usually rare for someone who is a twin to have twin babies. I grip Grayson's hand tightly because this, this is the beginning of an exciting rollercoaster ride for us

"Heres baby A, very healthy. And here is baby B, very healthy as well. They are about six weeks." Dr. Mayfield says. She asks us if we would like the ultra sound pictures printed and I nod eagerly because this, this is a miracle.

"Thank you so much." We say as we leave the room.

"Now we call your parents, then mine, and then your Aunt and Uncle." Grayson says excitedly.

We get to the car and while Grayson turns the heater on, I FaceTime my mom hoping she's with my dad. I see her familiar face and smile, remembering how much I miss her.

"What a nice surprise!" She laughs and call my dad over. Perfect.

"How are you guys?" My dad asks.

"Perfect." Grayson smiles.

"I actually have something I want to show you." I tell them excitedly. Grayson grips my thigh as I take a deep breath. I hop up one of the ultrasound pictures that obviously shows both babies very clearly.

Its silent for a moment before we see my mom and dad hug. My mom has tears in her eyes before my dad squints his eyes and leans back.

"Theres two. You're having two? Hun, our baby girl is having two babies." My dad said excitedly.

After talking to them for another five minutes we decided we would drive over to Grayson's parents house. Luckily, Ethan and Emercyn are there with Grant so they will be surprised about the news of us having twins.

We pull up to the sweet family home and walk in. Grant is laughing at Lisa as she twirls him around playfully. I give Sean a hug and kiss on the cheek before bringing Lisa into a hug and pinching Grant's cheeks lightly.

"Hayden and I want to show you guys something." Grayson says, telling everyone to sit on the couch. They all do as told.

"Did you guys adopt like, a Chameleon or something?" Sean asks.

"No but that would be wicked cool." Grayson laughs sounding like his inner teenager.  I laugh myself too.

"So, Hayden and  I found out today that..." Grayson pauses and look to me to continue.

"That we are going to be parents," I say. Sean and Lisa look at one another before back at us. "To not one, but two babies." I add showing them ultra sound pictures.

this makes everyone jump up from their seats and congratulate us with hugs and kisses. Ethan is beyond excited to watch out babies grow a bond like his and Grayson's. Grayson agrees excitedly.

Lisa covers her mouth before dialing Cameron on FaceTime. Grayson and I share the news to her too and she practically squeals at the news.

"More twins mean double the trouble." She says cheerfully.

Sean brings me into a hug and we hug for a good thirty seconds. He lets me know how excited he is that I will be the mother of his two grand babies and that he couldn't be more happy to have two more twins running around.

On the way home, I call Riley to let her know. She was super excited and demanded to be there for the birth. We then call Aunt Macy and Mark and they were ecstatic when they heard the news.

I couldn't feel more blessed to have all these people supporting us and being surrounded by so much love. 

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