CHAPTER 22: The Silent Has Been Broken

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"What do you THINK?!!" I half yelled at her. "I want to avoid entering the houses or making any other stops in this town. You said yourself its creepy here but you JUST had to be so ignorant." I press my frustration to the words coming out from my mouth.

Violet, started to act guilty and disheartened. She fiddles both of her fingers together, curving her shoulders inward and lowered her head down. "I'm sorry." She apologizes. "I didn't know." Her brittle voice pierce the silent town.

I brush my hair to the back, sighing hard. I stand on my left leg with my hands on the hips. "We have to get the water inside the house. There's no other way." I reluctantly suggest.

Violet take a haste gulp that almost choke her before she shakily agrees.

I carefully move the Hummer, and park it at the end of the road while looking around at the dark houses. We both nervously jumps out of the Hummer, and we walk on this street holding hands as we choose a random house. Violet choose a house with blue-painted door and we walk up the steps until the door is just inches away. Before taking any more steps, Violet turns at me as I reach out my pistol preparing for it. I turn to see peep hole, and the windows, looking for any movement or threat inside while turning back to the neighbourhood. Nothing out of ordinary, except the unexceptional silence.

"Should I ring the bell?" Violet asks.

"I don't think it's a good idea."

"You got a point there." She replies. "Especially if there are zombies inside?"

"Alright, you stand this side," I move her on the right near the window, closer to the doorknob but away from the door. "When I give you the signal, I want you to open the door. Got it." She nods. I take out my small flashlight, preparing to enter. I don't wish to experiment my new gift. A little effort and risk wouldn't give any harm. Despite with the eerie feelings I've been having just passing through the town may have disturb my alarm signal. I give her a nod signalling her to open the door while my pistol raise to the level of my chest facing forward. She gives a little twist and push, swinging it open. Since the sun has just making its appearance, the sunlight didn't quite reach this part of the neighbourhood, so the inside of the house was plainly empty darkness.

I turn on the flashlight, holding it across my right wrist where the pistol was held. Making a small step vigilantly into the darkness of the house. The lights wasn't big but it manage to cover up the whole living room. This house isn't big, just a nice family residential. Different than the house where I'd grown up. If it isn't for the darkness and eerie feeling, it can be consider as a cosy home. A fireplace, some traditional vase by the stairs, flower themed wallpaper, "That's maple right?" Violet asks, pointing to the brown golden sheet plastered on the wall in front of us.

"Yes. Its hard to see it nowadays. I even thought Maple tree has extinct now." I answer, admiring the beautiful wallpaper that this house owner has chosen.

Violet walks closely behind me clenching tight on my jacket. "Should I order to turn on the lights?" She asks while looking for the Smart House System Panel.

"No, not yet. And I doubt they have it. SHS only available in Elpidios and Caledfryn. Even some part of Elpidios don't SHS, let alone a small town in the Kanse Region. Advance electronics don't work here." I shove the lights at the couch. I moves slowly pass through from the living room down to the kitchen, "Empty." Then I shove the lights to the stairs leading upper floor. There's no movement or sound from upstairs that I can make out with. I quickly order Violet to get the water from the tap.

The sunlight finally shines brighten up the backyard through the garden and the kitchen. I turn to face Violet, the glimpse of sunlight makes it way to the kitchen blinded my sight. But I can see Violet small figure and the sun reflected by her black hair. I stare at her as she looks for any empty bottle to fill up the water. "DK, why haven't you come back?" Violet's voice breaks the silent.


"I mean, since we're here already. I want to know the reason of your departure." Her voice brittle and thick but quavering.

"Do we really have to talk it now? We're in the middle of crisis and you want to talk about why I haven't come home since I graduate?"

Violet turns to face me and shrugs. "Yes."

"We don't have time for that." I avoid eye contact with and moves to stake out for the undead.

"Then how long we're gonna wait for you to come back? How long does it take to know what has been bothering you? Are you still angry with me? Can't you forgive me already?" She starts to scream as loud as yelling. It doesn't matter anymore. I start to get furious.

"Why do you want to know? Why does it matter if I come back or not? And how can you think that I would hate you for the incident that you didn't do." I yell back.

"Then COME BACK! When this is over, come back. Come back to Athelward." Her voice echo in the room.

After seconds of silent, I answered. "No."

The answer gives a shock to Violet. She went speechless to my answer. Her eyes begin to make a pool of tears and her lips quivered as she screams this word. "WHY?!"

"I HAD MY OWN REASON!" I countered back.

"What could possibly be any better than easing YOUR PARENTS about thinking you might be dead at any moment of committing suicide and there's nothing they can do about it? What DK? What's the reason? What's so important that you have to discard your own family from your life? WHAT? You think they didn't know how horrible your situation are right now. At one moment I couldn't even differ you from a walking dead." Her words were sharp and it aching me to hear that.

"Then if they know, they should also know how I feel about it. Do you understand my condition right now? Have you thought about it?" I reply softly frowning to her reaction.

"You think I didn't feel any remorse for what happened that day? I do. I still do. It was my fault. I get that." Her voice soften and husky. "But DK, father and mother are very much worry of you."

"That was not your fault. Just because someone grazed a bullet on me didn't make it your fault in any situation at all. And about father and mother, that's the damage I have to put up with. Even though I know our parents are worried about me and the distance I start to create, I don't care. I just can't bring myself to open up anymore. I just can't."

"Why not?" She screams. "What so hard about it?"

"Everything Violet. Everything."

"I don't understand!" Violet yell to me. Before I could reply, my voice strangle as fear consumes it, my pupils enlarge. To my horror, my argument with Violet has attract the unwanted guests. They make their crashing from the backyard heading to the kitchen slides. Violet turns to watch over her shoulder when I didn't make a sound and from my gesture she wants to look but before she could turn, I grab her wrist and sprang towards the stairs, leaping two steps at a time. "Don't let go of the bottle." Violet manages to take a glimpse over the stairs and accelerates her speed when she notices the undead are approaching.

"Over here." I guide and run towards my old room on the other side of the staircase. We aren't sure what will lies behind the doors in this house but I wouldn't take a second guess. We sprang inside my room locking the door behind me.

"What now?" Violet starts to freaks out and worsen her anxiety when she takes a look outside of the window. "We're doom." Her voice sinks in despair. She moves slowly away from the window, looking hopeless.

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