A Freaky Friday (Jack and Mark)

Start from the beginning


"Hey Felix!" Jack called. "You're even bigger asshole from down here!"

"Jack, I swear to god, don't make me sit on you." Mark laughed.

"Careful! That's still my body."

"Catch me if you can!" Jack suddenly yelled and started running. Mark watched, mystified, as Jack ran across the floor and under the couch.

"You don't have this kind of technology?" Felix wondered. Mark shook his head.

"No," he murmured. He smiled. "Not this advanced." Felix clapped him on the back. Mark stumbled, surprised.

"You should probably make sure Jack doesn't get into any trouble." Mark nodded and walked to the couch. He kneeled and looked under to see Jack watching him with a big smile.

"So? How does it feel to be helpless and terrified of everything?" Mark asked.

"Oh you're not helpless, Mark!" Jack walked up to him, still grinning. "And this is awesome! Everything's so big." Mark put his cheek on the floor.

"This is still so weird." Jack poked Mark's hand as the engineer added, "I mean, not only the size change, but the whole me being you, and you being... well, me."

"I snagged a prototype." Jack climbed onto Mark's hand. Mark flinched. "Whoa!" Jack flailed. "Careful! You'll knock me off."

"S-sorry," Mark mumbled. He tried to keep still as Jack climbed up his arm. "This is just so surreal, I'm trying to wrap my head around it."

"Then we're gonna be here a while; that's a lot of head to wrap with." Mark gasped, smiling.

"Oh no, my ego!" Jack laughed and climbed on to Mark's shoulder. Mark tried to turn his head to see him, but it hurt his neck to strain so much. "Hey, Felix!" Mark slowly and carefully stood up, and then he turned to the other giant. "I have a parrot on my shoulder!"

"My name's not Polly!" Jack yelled. Mark winced, making Jack wobble.

"God you're loud, and you don't even have your set of lungs," Mark chuckled.

"You're really loud too," Jack admitted. He poked Mark's neck. "Luckily I'm used to hearing myself scream all day." Mark laughed.

"You guys are really starting to trip me out," Felix exclaimed.

"I'm still tripping balls." Mark laughed but noticed Jack was suddenly quiet. "You ok?" He asked.

"Um." His voice came out in a squeak. "I-I forgot about one small teeny tiny little problem." Mark frowned.

"What's that?" He started to get worried.

"I-I'm kind of afraid of heights," Jack confessed. Mark's eyes widened.

"Oh shit, why didn't you tell me!?" He crouched down and offered his hand for Jack to climb on. Jack did, and Mark could feel his small legs shaking as he lowered him to the floor. Jack climbed off gratefully, sighing.

"Thanks Mark," he said wearily. Mark smiled and mussed his hair.

"It's ok. I understand." Then he added, "You wanna go back to normal? This was fun and all, but I'm kind of missing my sexy body."

"Me too," Jack chuckled quietly. He shook his head and straightened up. "In order for us to go back to normal, we need to turn that switch off- at the same time!" He yelped, stopping Mark.

"Oh." He dropped his hand. "So on the count of three, we have to turn them off at the same time?"

"Yep. And then we'll be back to normal." Mark nodded.


"On three. One, two, three!" They flicked their switches. Mark's vision was taken over by the bright light. This time he didn't fight it, relaxing until his senses regained control. Then he blinked. He was back to normal. Jack's giant sneakers loomed in front of him, and so did the rest of his surroundings.

Yep. I'm back to normal. Mark groaned and rubbed his head. "Ow, god..." he looked up and saw Jack doing the same.

"I forgot to mention the side effects," Jack admitted. He gave Mark a sheepish grin. "Oops." Mark chuckled.

"How does it feel to be a big baby again?" Jack shrugged.

"Not too bad. How about you, you happy to be a little bitch again?" Mark snorted.

"Who, me?" He asked innocently. He walked up to Jack and climbed on his shoe. "You can't possibly be talking about me!" Jack laughed and let him climb on his extended hand.

"Of course I am." He lifted Mark up and held him to his chest in a gentle hug. Mark squirmed and giggled.

"Hey! You can't just insult me and get away with a hug!" He yipped. Jack scoffed.

"He says as he's hugged anyway."

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