Chapter 20: Expecting the Unexpected

Start from the beginning

"Do you think I like seeing you like this? Do you think I want to hurt you?" he answered highlighting every word.

"Yes, yes I think your happy every second I'm hurt. And how can you blame me James? When the smirk you put on only implys I was a puppet and you just pulled on my strings" I said angrily.

"Kit-Kat I'm- I'm only trying to protect you" he whispers as he moved around the table and kneeled at my side catching my hands.

"I don't want you to protect me. I-I want you to- " I wasn't sure what I wanted.

"What do you want? Cause
Kit-Kat I'd do anything to see you smile again"

"I just want you to promise me that you will forget what happened on that cliff on Tuesday" I said honestly.

"How can I forget the way your beautiful lips moved in complete sync with mine? How can I forget these fingers that tugged on my hair, while I just wanted to take you with me to my place then and there? How can I forget that Kit-Kat?" he asks balling my fists into his own.

"Like you did when you slid your tongue into Astrid's mouth today morning" I said pulling my hands away forcing myself not to look back into his eyes.

"I don't want you to get hurt, if I continue to-" he was interrupted by the opening of the door that led into the courtyard, as Ethan entered.

Ethan looks around frantically as he spots James and I, he runs towards us.

"You need to see this, now!" he exclaims as he reaches the table.

I run back with him wherever he was planning to go. As we entered the decorated room again I see a big crowd watching something happening intently in the middle of the court.

I pushed through the crowd, only to see Harvey holding Astrid back from pouncing on Helena and the same with Helena, except Jasper Smith was holding onto her.

Peyton who was standing a few steps away from me came to stand near me. "What's going on?" I say hiccuping.

"Have you been drinking?" Peyton asks angrily. I shake my head but eventually I nod.

She just shakes her head in disappointment.
"Let go of me Jasper! I'll show this bitch!" Helena screamed.

"Piss off!" Astrid screams back.

"What happened?" I whisper into Peyton's ear.

"Believe it or not their fighting over, who deserves homecoming queen more" Kath chuckled.

Someone clears his troath at the main mike near the DJ. "It's time to announce king and queen of homecoming!" there were a few cheers and whistles.

"Our Homecoming king junior and senior year is" cue drumroll
"Ethan Dawn"
The announcer shouted.

I spotted Ethan scratch the back of his neck and walk to the stage. By this time Astris and Helena had left each others troaths and were listening intently.

"And homecoming queen is.... Peyton Rivers!" the guys hooted, I screamed as I hugged her and she walked up the stage.

As the so called, 'homecoming king and queen dance' started I look at the corner of the room only to see Helena and James talking intensely with a few occasional dirty looks Helena gave Astrid.

Finally she leaves James and walks towards me. "Just for the record, I need to know are any of you talking to Astrid?" Helena asked impatiently.

"Why does it matter to you!?" I asked back slurring a little.

"Because that girl is manipulating you guys, however much I hate you April I hate her more, I think everyone deserves to know the truth about fucking two sided people"

"Thanks for the concern but I assure you I can take care of myself" I say falling slightly onto her as my legs could no longer hold onto my weight.

Helena stepped away, not minding if I had fallen or not. Just before touching the ground a pair of muscular arms caught me and pulled me back up.
"Thanks Jasper" I muttered without thinking twice.

"Sorry to dissapoint you?" I hear James announce.

"James, let go" I said as I pushed his hands off me. By this time Helena had already walked away.

"Kit-Kat sorry but you're too drunk and I'm taking you home!" he said concern lurking all over his face.

"I'm not going anywhere with you" I said angrily.

"I know but you don't have a choice" he replied smoothly.

Next thing I know he grabs a hold of me and (much before I could protest) I was slung across James' rather broad shoulder and I was being carried out of the school doors and iito the parking lot.

"Let me down!" I cried angrily.

He didn't reply so I had no intention of protesting anymore so I started drawing designs on James' back with my finger.

He placed me on the front seat of his car and he sat in the drivers seat.

I began staring at James' perfect jawline and his flawless white teeth and I realised that boy was the reason my head is swirling in a pool of questions.

As the car started moving I stared out of the window, "what about Ethan?" I gasp dramatically.

"Don't worry I texted Harvey" he replied.

"I'm still angry with you!" I announced grumpily.

"I wonder why!" James feigned a confused look.

"Cause you like Astrid!?" I said angrily.

"And you're jealous!" he smiled.

"No, yes! Maybe..." I muttered.

"April I'm dangerous and if someone comes to know about you and I, you'll get hurt, and yesterday one of my seniors was keeping an eye on me as boss told him that he suspects something between the two of us, and boss thinks that love can always be used as a familiar threat. And all I want is you to be safe, so I acted as if I was playing with you" he replied.

"Then why did you kiss her?" I asked.

"Helena is the senior keeping an eye on me" he let out a sigh.

"That's...that's nice. But you should've told me " I say unsurely as I yawned.

After a few minutes I realize I'd dozed off into dreamland.


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