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"I don't need this right now, just...leave me alone." It broke my heart.


"Are you okay?"

"I thought he cared about me."

"He does, he's just...stuck right now. He's gone, he went to do what ever it is he does when he tries to get his mind off of things. He does help us fight monsters, you know?"

Harriett and Harris has a fight. Veracity has put a lot of stress into their relationship.

We were in the robot, Harris had gone to Harper's for his smart people job and the rest of us are here, well, minus the boys. I told Ryan to try to fix this, well, help me fix this. I can't do it by myself, that's why I have him, to help me out in life.

"He said he-"

"He does, he loves you with everything in him and more. And it's pitiful if you really think about it, because no matter what happens you'll find no one as good as him." I said to her, rubbing her back as we sat on the cold lab floor, she was warm though. Pain is always warm.

"Why is that pitiful?" She asked her voice crackling frequently. She squeezed we eyes so tight that I thought they'd be lush to the back of her skull.

"No one else gets to experience how wonderful you are. It's a truly a shame." I smiled at her, she looked at me and furrowed her eyebrows.

"Why are you so good at cheering people up?" She asked out of the blue.

"I don't know, I don't even know if I truly cheer them up. Maybe I sell them false hope and grant them three wishes that makes everything seem okay. Or maybe I'm the best kind of pathological liar. It could even be that I'm the sandman who lets everyone dream." I told her in depth.

"But these are conversations for another time." I told her as I bopped her nose. I got up and walked down the almost empty halls of Mech-X3.

The reason I said almost empty is because I soon heard foot steps and saw a person I had her to say hello to today.


"Hey." I replied as I walked past my boyfriend, I was suddenly grabbed by the arm and pulled to face him. My lips gently caressing his as we kissed.

"How's Harris?" I asked as I put my forehead into his and smiled.

He returned the favor, "Good, bad. He's trying to cope with this by finding a scientific reason." He puts his hands on my waist and asked, "what's Harriet up to?"

"If I knew I could tell you, but I think she's just gonna drown herself in work. It's how she copes with these things. Science and what not."

"Ugh smart people," Ryan rolled his eyes jokingly with a smile as we separated and started down separate ways of the hall before he called me back, "Are we still on for our date tonight?" He asked as he snapped and pointed at me.

I furrowed my brows, "You never let me know about any date."

"Well, now you know," he said as he walked forward and gave me a gentle kiss on the forehead, "surprise." He whispered then jogged down the hall.

I forgot to ask him where he was going.

I smelled a strong fragrance waft it's way into my nose. The smell making my head spin for a second.
My sister and Sparrow rush towards me either plugging their mouths and nose or swathing the air from their face.

"What is that smell," my sister asked as she made a face.

"I dot know but it smells like Sparrow's feet." I replied.

"They aren't that bad are they?" Sparrow asked, she become to accustomed to the smell of her shoes.

"Yes, they are." Marissa and I replied as we made our way down the hall trying to find the source of the odor.

When we got information of the lab sort it automatically slid open, we were revealed to a Messy Harriet with chemicals and solutions sprawled all over a lab table. Something was boiling over a Bunsen burner.

"What are you doing?" Marissa coughed as we stalked into the lab.

"My relationship with Harris is about to become toxic," she lifted up a plastic test tube with a cork on the top, "literally."

Our eyes widened and we looked at each other. We rushed over towards the table and looked at her plans that she'd drawn up I only knew about half of what she was talking about.

"Bee pheromones, huh?" I asked.

"I'm gonna show Veracity who the real queen bee in Harris' life is." She said as if it was the most clever thing she's ever thought of.

"How about you don't because you might poison her." Sparrow said as we all moved closer to the girl, she stuffed a pen in her lab coat and put her goggles over her eyes.

"It's not going on her it's going on me. It's like how girls take a guys jacket cause it smells like him. When I put this on me it'll attract Harris...or any guy that comes near me."

"What, you never told us that, what about our boyfriends?" Marissa asked in a panic.

"It's okay, I'm going to be working on an antidote so that I can spray anyone on I want with it and then boom problem solved." She said as if she was oh so smart.

"That's dumb." I said then tackled her to the ground as we all tried to get it from her. In the midst of the fight the plastic broke and we all jumped apart.

"Did it get on anyone?" I asked frantically checking to see if there were any signs of the solution on me.

"We're all good."

I used my technopathy to check the time on my phone. I was gonna be late.

You see Ryan always leaves his house at 7:45 so that he can pick me up at 7:50 but we leave my house at 8:00. It what now 6:40 and that's not enough time because Gloria was doing laundry today.

"My date!" I whined as I jogged out the door, careful not to slip on the formula.

"Good luck!" I heard all three girls yell after me.

I began my spring home

But god, My he's hurts.

This is a cliffhanger. Sssshhh

Anyways I want y'all to vote on another thing here it goes.

Finn Wolfhard?

Jack Dylan Grazer?

Jaeden Leiberher?

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