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"Could you two be careful, that really hurts!" I hollered at the two girls that I call my friends.

"Sorry, Roe." Harriet said with sympathy as she turned a bottle of rubbing alcohol over onto a cotton ball.

"Well we don't want these to get infected, and besides, you of all people should be able to take this." Sparrow said to me.

I furrowed my eyebrows and screwed my face up,"Why do you guys think that, I'm allowed to act like I'm hurt."

"Yeah," Harriet started as she took a small flashlight and pulled at my eye to see if my pupils dilate,"but the only time I see you hurt is if it's serious, not for actual people problems."

"I am an actual person." I told them right before Harriet put a tongue depressor onto my tongue to look at my throat.

"Yeah, but you don't go through normal people problems." Sparrow clarified.

You're normal enough

As normal as a fire-breathing dragon.

Yeah, but she's still normal. This is the only way she knows how to be herself.

So maybe being herself isn't good enough.

Of course it is, she gets accepted at school, home-

And with her loser friends, the only people who are allowed to know how weird she is. Face it,Rochelle, you're not like them, if you were then you wouldn't have to hide in the shadows of society like a hideous ogre.

I'm not normal?

"I want you guys to teach me to be normal." I blurted out to my friends.

"What, that makes no sense?" Harriet still fiddled with her stuff in her and Harris' lab.

"What makes no sense?" Marissa asked as she walked in the lab with her tool belt hanging loosely on her hips.

"Rochelle wants us to tech her how to be 'normal', but that's never been done." Sparrow told Marissa as she hopped up on the medical bed with me.

"Well it's about to be done," I looked at my sister,"are you gonna help me or what big sister?" I asked her with hope in my eyes.

She smiled at me,"Of course I will," she came to me and gave me a side hug, squeezing my shoulders,"you're my baby sister, the only one I'll ever get."

"Well, mom isn't that old, she could-"

"No, we don't need to ruin another kids life." She told me.

I laughed as we walked out the doors and started to think about this. I'm gonna be normal.

Well, let's just see how this goes.

Yeah, this could be fun.

"What's so funny?" We stopped right in front of our boys.

"Nothing, but we will see you guys later." Marissa said. She then stalked over to Mark and gave him a kiss on the cheek before going to the elevator and waiting for us.

"Where are you guys going?"Harris asked. Harriet kissed his cheek and walked towards my sister.

"Somewhere where you don't want to be." The female brainiac answered to her male counterpart.

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