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Hey guys, I am sorry that it's taking so long, but I'm starting to wonder who even reads or enjoys this story anymore. I'm still gonna write, but I have writers block, I know the general idea for what I want from the story. I just need some things to get from point A to point B. So I would really appreciate if you guys could give me some requests maybe? I already love you guys, but I kinda want some help on a few chapters until my writers block is cured. And don't worry I would give you guys credit, just comment on what you'd like to read and I'll try to make it happen.

P.S. What else you want to see out of these ships? I want you guys to see the emotional and heroic sides of these people. So if there are any back stories you want from my characters go for it.

Bye, you tragically beautiful or beautifully tragic, magnificent human. Oh, and I'm thinking of making an author's Q&A if you'd like to know anything about me.

Mech X-3?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora