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  Dedicated to LittleDisneygirl11 thank you for giving me the idea, I love you.

"What did she looked like, did she look me or you, or did she look like both of us?"

"Ryan, stop rambling; she looked like. She looked like both of us, but reminded me of you,  you were the sweetest thing to me and our daughter, you'd make a lovely dad, baby." I smiled at him as we were cuddled together on my bed, he was rubbing the exposed skin that was on my side from where my shirt and did up in my sleep.

It was silent for a moment he was just staring at me, " it's rude to stare, Ryan Walker."  He chuckled at the comment, beginning to trace his name over and over on my hip.

"Well, how could you expect me not to, you're so perfect." He propped his head up on his arm, looking at me from a different angle. He tapped my nose, leading me to crinkle it," too cute."

I started paying more attention to the tracing of his finger on my side and hip.

"Why is it that you do that?" I genuinely asked out of curiosity.

"Well... I guess I just want people to know your mine, this just hella me cope with the reality of other guys looking at you the way I do. It's stupid..." he shakes his head dismissing the thought, blushing from embarrassment. When actually it was sweet and generous.

"No, it's not, I'd be ticked if I found out another girl had taken a liking to you. That's why you're my boyfriend." I didn't notice that he was smiling at me goofily until I'd finished my statement.

"You would be jealous if someone took an interest in me?"

"I should be the only one genuinely interested in you, but I guess if you'd really like to leave me then I'd have to let you go."

My voice got quiet, Ryan's face sank.

"You'd do that, for me?"

"Well... yeah, Ryan, if you'd truly want to leave, I guess I couldn't stop you. If you were in love with me then you wouldn't have fell in love with the other girl in the first place."

"I'd never do such a thing, I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I had. She wouldn't feel the same way you do when you're in my arms, she wouldn't have the same look on her face when she looked at me. She wouldn't have this incredibly adorable laugh, she could never have your adoring, meltingly, sexy walk. She would be nothing like you and that's what I want, you."

I was in a blushing fit, my heart might implode with how fast it was going. He was looking at me, absentmindedly, his hand kept down to my lower hip, rubbing a spot where I knew I map of stretch marks laid. The act making me subconscious and embarrassed, but I would not dare to tell him about it.

"You're so gorgeous." He told me.

A thought then dawned on me,"Ryan, did you just call my walk 'sexy' a minute ago?" I giggled

"Oh, believe me it is, I mean look at you, you have curves and this hourglass figure, of course you'd have the walk."

I had chuckled at his statement. I flipped us over, straddling his waist. His hand placed themselves on my thighs, his thumbs rubbing.

I started to slowly lean down to kiss him but-

"Not the time, not the time!" Harris and Harriet yelled as they both barged in the room, interrupting our moment.

"Guys, chill out. What's the problem?" Ryan asked as we were both grabbed and dragged down the stairs by our wrists.

"Monsters, that's what the problem is. Now do your jobs and get to your robots!" Our siblings screamed in our faces.

"Did you say monsters, like plural?" I asked, raising my left eyebrow and cocking my head to  the the right.

"Yes, meaning we all have jobs to do." Marissa threw my jacket at my face and pushed me out of the door, Mark and Ryan following. Soon came the rest of our friends.

"But we work better as a team, not separated!" Ryan tried to reason.

"It doesn't matter, your city needs the both of you. Now come on!" Mark told us.

I couldn't even process what was going on, but all I know is that now we're about to fight monster separately for the first time. It may not be a big deal to anyone else, but it is to my lover and I.

We were about to enter our robots, holding them off before they step on us.

Ryan stopped me and held me close, caressing my cheeks.

"Be careful and stay safe. Please don't let me see you hurt." I told him, concern and hurt dripping from my voice," it'd kill me, Ryan."

"You too, please call me if you need help." He whispered, barely audible.

We separated, my girls behind me, staring at the boys; and vice versa for our friends. I looked at Ryan, giving him a smile and giving him a halfhearted wave; he returned the action.

"I love you, sweet girl." He called out to me, cupping him hands around his mouth.

I giggled and yelled,"I love you too, precious boy." I then watched my favorite person in the world getting crushed by a robot foot.

Once we each got settled into our stations we set off.

"Mari, where exactly are we supposed to be going?" I asked my older sister. I turned back to look at her as she hasn't replied yet. She was, in fact, typing away on her phone.

"Marissa May Webster, pay attention and do your job!" I screamed at her, he was startled and threw her phone then stumbling for it as she tried to catch it.

"Right, sorry, uh- behind Harper industry." He nervously giggled.

"You mean to tell me I have to go to the place of the guy who's been obsessed with Mech X-4 since he's been public?" I asked her in shock and disbelief.

"Pretty much...."

"Marissa, what if he's there, or if he finds us, what about if he he gets in the way?"

"Roe, calm down. We're going to be fi-"  Harriet's statement wasn't completely because we were thrown back onto the ground.

I then felt myself begin to suffocate and dragged into the air, gasping along the way. I kicked my feet rapidly, trying to free myself, my left foot had kicked something hard. Whatever it was flew back and I could tell because even though I couldn't see the creature I could see the ground lift up from the impact.

My lungs burned and my throats throbbed, I wouldn't surprised if one of them collapsed.

Im o va a morir siendo un héroe o vivir un fracaso si dejo que esta cosa destruir la ciudad

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