Ch. 45

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Woah, life is so wild right now.

I'm being held in the arms of another, about to be kissed by someone who isn't my boyfriend. Would you like to know why? Somehow I've gotten myself caught up in our school's seasonal play. It's Antony and Cleopatra. The dance? 2 weeks from now.

Let's get you all up to speed.

- Monday-

"Play, since when have you ever cared about being in a play?" Harriet asked my sister as we waited for the boys at the diner. Yes, Ricky's diner. The same Ricky who friend to make a move on me and hates my boyfriend, Ricky. Why are we here? I have no idea.

"Since I was in 'The List' at school." She said in a 'duh' tone of voice.

'The List' is a list that anonymously popped up around school. It ranks the guys and girls at our school from most attractive and popular to the least.

My sister being in the top 3. I have no idea where I am, nor do I care.

"Wouldn't it be perfect if Mark and I would be cast together. We are literally are Antony and Cleopatra anyways, you know, without all the snakes and dying." She said looking through her menu.

"I thought that was Ryelle?" Sparrow asked before she took a big gulp from her soda.

"Yeah, I mean look at her," Harriet started before she pulled my lip out from between my teeth, "she can't help but to be this antsy waiting for him."

This made my sister look at me as she dabbed the blood from my lip with her napkin. No amateur what she will always be there for me and Ry.

"Speak of the green-eyed devil." Sparrow spoke as she held her menu close to her face. Spyder made her angry the other night, there relationship is the most difficult thing I've ever seen.

"It'll only take a second." Harris spoke suddenly before sitting in front of Harriet in the booth. Ryan in front of me, our ankles touching under the table. Mark in front of my sister as he began whispering to her and a very guilty Spyder in front of a very upset Sparrow.

Ryan then suddenly covered his ears and leaned his head down on the table, squeezing his eyes tightly,"Do it." He muttered.

And like lightening Harris pulled my arm and opened my hand, slicing my palm whilst doing so. Everyone did some sort of shriek as I looked at the whole thing quietly. He took a Microscope slide and wipes my blood onto it. Pulling a microscope from his book bag, and yes I'm serious; I wish I cloud make this up. And begins examining the slide.

Ryan shoots his head up and quickly grabs my hand gently, trying to examine it.

"Oh, are you okay, my little dove?" He cooed as he looked at the gash. Mark handing him gauze whilst checking his phone. My boyfriend then began to act quickly on repairing my damaged skin cells.

"I'm okay," I then turned to brainiac boy," but I'm going to kill you Harris." I said menacingly.

"Kill me after I'm done doing science." He raised his finger up at me and then back down to the knob on the microscope.

I scrunched my fave up then looked at my friends, "What's up with 'dork-enstein' over here?" I pointed at Harris with my thumb as I spoke.

"He needs a blood sample so he can genetically engineer your future kid." Spyder said jokingly, holding his hand up to Sparrow who's usually give him a high-five when it came to jokes like these. He was rejected.

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