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Okay, okay, I get it; my boyfriend is adopted and so am I. And I know what any of you guys could be thinking,"your both technopaths and adopted, what if you guys are siblings?" We're not, don't worry. I found out in a journal that Leo took Ryan from his parents and Layla took me from mine for quote"reason that we'll know about soon,"as Lay put it. Our parents knew each other, they were friends and they trusted each other, our birth mothers got pregnant near the same time.

Let me get back to the point, Ryan has been coping with the fact that he is adopted and he's taking it well. It's just that, and I love my boyfriend with everything in me and I don't want to sound petty, but the attention he's getting for this is getting on my nerves. It's like all anyone is focused on is him, I'm focused on him all the time 'cause I obsess over him and it's called annoying. But if he doesn't get patronized over his adoption then it's rude.

I sound like a petty, jealous, childish, idiot; but I just want someone to understand. I know Ryan could understand, but he's thought he was apart of a family biologically...he doesn't know what it's like to be rejected by a family over and over and over again. He doesn't know a lot about my past and I know that's my fault. Marissa should especially be the one to know how I would be feeling right now.

"Ow, hey!" I screamed as I was pushed out of the way and onto the floor by Mark.

"You gotta watch out, Roe, my little bro is here, the best little bro in the world, nothing could change that." He said sucking up to my love. Despite everything he's still the love of my life. Do you guys see what I mean, threw me right under the bus.

"Yeah, sorry, how could I forget the great, all mighty, 'savior of Bay City', and my boyfriend. Ryan Walker." I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes and clapping dramatically.

Ryan looked weirded out as Mark tried to help him up the ladder or the floor hatch. He then looked at me curiously,"Are you okay, Roe?" He asked worriedly.

"Yeah, sure, whatever." I said annoyed as I then hurried down the floor hatch of  Mech-X4, rushing past Marissa who was repairing a broken pipe from a resent testing.

She stopped me, seeing my fast pace,"Roe, you alright, little sis?" She asked as she put her tool into its proper place on her tool belt. She got down from her stool and stopped me.

"No. Leave me alone, please?" I asked harshly, trying to continue my journey.

"No," she pulled me back,"What's up, why are you so mad?" She's my sister, she has the right to know.

"I understand that I've been a foster kid my whole life and I should be used to this and that I'm probably a horrible person for saying this, but I just don't appreciate how everyone has been kicking me to the side just because Ryan is adopted." I huffed. A look of realization and sympathy washed over her.

"Oh, Roe, are you okay?" She asked, all of my emotions have been bursting at the seams and tears start to slowly well at my eyes.

"Do you need to cry?" She asked.

"I don't know," I responded the stinging in my eyes and throat just became more evident.

"You're gonna cry." She stated for me as the tears slowly poured from my eyes. My sister enveloped me in a hug in the middle of this hallway.

"I'm sorry this happened to you, I'm sorry that you don't get the recognition that you deserve, but if it helps than I'd like to say that if I'm glad that you're like this, cause then I wouldn't have the greatest thing that has ever happened to me," she comforted me, rubbing my back as I started to slowly collapse, she sat down against the wall with me, hugging me tight.

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