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It's been a couple of weeks and in this time we've found out that we have a fan club and where Leo and Layla are. I'm still hurting and I sure as hell am not okay, I've been feeling really tired and sore. Sometimes I just fall asleep for hours upon end anywhere I get the chance. My mom has even been getting suspicious about me falling asleep all the time. She's been asking about things like is anyone picking on me at school and if I even need someone to talk to then she's there. It's nice don't get me wrong, but does my mom think I'm being bullied, considering suicide, or even some type of self harm? She always had said that that was one of my best qualities, forcing myself to be good for others I mean.

It was a Saturday and winter was coming soon, it was still bright and warm outside so everyone was out cherishing the last few moments we would remember before we forget what the sun was in the dead of winter. Except for us.

The Mech-X group was in one of the robots figuring stuff out and what ever it is a Mech-X group would do on our days. I wouldn't know specifically what that would be at the moment because I was sent home to rest, orders from Captain Ryan Walker, my boyfriend. I get it, he's worried about me and I like the idea of someone being worried about me or even just caring or thinking about me, but why?

I don't know, maybe he's just a really good guy who loves you and wants you to feel better?

Or maybe he thinks you're dead weight? Which you are, I mean c'mon, you're so weak your waist-long hair is too heavy for you to keep your head up. Put it down and never look back up.

No, don't, you're great and I love you. And so does Ryan, everyone is loved, despot who they are or what they have done. Even if it is the voices insides their heads; they're loved.

Well, I don't. Maybe you should do it, you know what I've said to you in your dreams; the things you're too afraid to say aloud. Do it. Cause this voice that is inside your head is only trying to look out for you.

No. She plays tricks, she's the one inside the mirror you hate, she stole from you. Your independence, she stole your face and that's why she looks like you and tells you lies. As for me? You let me have your eyes to keep you up and that's what I'm doing. Rochelle, I'm your friend, please believe me.

"Enough!" I screamed. I have had enough of these voices in my head.

"Roe, you do believe me don't you?" I heard a voice it's like mine when I am silent, the things I wish to say; in the back of my head.

I looked up from my place on my bed to see her, by my closet, roaming there like a spirit. She has my eyes, the eyes that I see wonder with. The eyes I fell in love with Ryan with.

"Put a cork in it, you emotional freak!" The other yelled, she was here too, in the mirror where I locked her up in. Every time I look at my reflection she stares back at me. Telling me lies because she too has my eyes. The ones in afraid of. She's decisive.

"Roe, baby girl? Are you alright sweetie?" Gloria yelled as I heard the clink-clank-clunk of her petite feet up the stairs. They both lunged for me, she came out the mirror, breaking the glass. She tried everything she could to win, she does that often.

"No!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, covering my ears and bringing my knees up so I could hide my face in them. Not wanting to be attack or have my mom witness my internal murder just so they could come after her too.

"Rochelle!" Gloria busted through my room and ran towards me. She cradled me in her arm and rocked us back and forth on my bed, the slightly older mattress squeaking with the harsh weight put on it.

"You're okay, baby, you're okay, I got ya." She coaxed, running her fingers through my twists and curls. Ryan did this often.

"I'm sorry, mommy." I told her, hiccups erupting from my throats and gushing out my mouth uncontrollably like lava.

"What'd you say?" She asked, pulling away looking at my red and puffy cheeks and eyes.

"You're my mom, you raised me, somewhat, and love me and want me here. I'm not just a Williams I'm a Webster too, Rochelle Rosemary Arrietty Webster; the daughter of Gloria Webster and sister of Marissa May Webster. You're my mom and I'm so glad you saved me from them." I sobbed.

She smiled but still put the back of her hand to my forehead,"Roe, who's 'them', you're running a fever." She told me worriedly, grabbing me by the shoulders and helping me up.

"Yeah, now that you mentioned it I do feel a little sick, maybe I could sleep it off?" She shook her head violently at me.

"No, I'm texting your sister and telling her to either go to the Walker's or use the spare key. I'm taking you to the hospital right now." She told me as we made our way down the stairs with a couple of stumbles and such on the way there.

"Momma, I'm fine, maybe I just need some Medici-" I stopped a burning sensation burning my sinuses. Red, gushy blood poured from my nose like a waterfall.

"Rochelle Williams-Webster!" My Mom shouted at me, I cupped my hands around my nose and mouth, it didn't exactly work because the blood seeped through my fingers. My mom was shouting things at me like 'lean your head forward' or 'pinch the bridge of your nose' and even 'hold this wet rag to your nose, I'm calling an ambulance!'

She's decided against the ambulance, and with the way she's panicking she might be faster. She gets our emergency 'Roe got into a fight and I have to get her out of the holding cell' bag. It's like a plus size first-aid kit, it's a book bag filled with things I'd need if I had gotten into a fight or gotten seriously hurt or assault an officer. I have a peculiar record.

"Roe, baby, keeps those eyes open for me. Don't give up on me now." My Mom told me glancing at me and driving like a maniac.

It was just now that I had realized that I was blacking out, my throats started to throb and my neck ached. I went into a coughing attack, my heart fluttering. I coughed, bringing up my shoulder to do so, when I brought it down I saw that I had hacked up what looked like a gallon of blood; it wasn't actually that much but in the spear of the moment and my hallucinating.

I looked in my side mirror, I saw them.

Bye, bye, Rochelle.

I'm sorry, I tried to stop. Once I save myself from her I'll save you too. Layla would want me to.

Then they were gone.

I then saw myself in the mirror, crossing my eyes and feeling too heavy. My head hit the dash board in front of me.

I heard my mom's car phone ring, she answered it,"Mom, where are you, how's Roe, what happened...?" My sister blathered.

I then heard my mom utter something that she only says when she thinks I can't hear her,"Please Lord, help me and my daughters."

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