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She's gone. Not for good, but I bought us some time to talk. You, yes you, are so special and you don't even know it yet. Just don't do it, no matter who you think you are you're special. I just want you to know that even if you are broken and can never be fixed at least you have your friends so if you're gonna be broken at least know that you should be broken with the people who take the most interest with you. Layla will see you soon. And even though I may be a figment of your subconscious and have your face I still care about you. I'd listen to me if I was you, and I am!

"How is she, is she going to be okay, what happened?" I heard the mumbles of a voice say. I also heard a distinct sound that resembled a vacuum; vrrooooomm.

"She's doing okay, her lungs were failing for a second and we even did a sleep study. The only problem is that she has an unusual sleeping pattern." A female's voice hummed. It was soft and majestic, but powerful and firm.

"Oh, sometimes her breathing becomes irregular when she sleeps we're aware of that." Another voice stumbled out; Marissa.

"No, I mean even with her unconscious movements. It's like she's experiencing something. Temporal Dysplasia." The unknown informative voice said. (If you guys know what Temporal Dysplasia is from I appreciate you as a person. But imma change up the meaning of it just a bit, or a lot.)

"What is that, an illness, disease?"  I recognize that voice, Mom. Of course she's here, she drove me.

"It's more like a disorder. It's not deadly or a big deal. It affects her memories and certain emotions." I'm guessing this voice was coming from a doctor. She sounds like someone I'd like to know personally.

"Emotions, what do you mean?" Marissa asked, I can hear she shuffling feet. Shift-shift shuffle-shuffle.

"Sometimes she can be too emotional others no emotion at all. Not exactly bipolar or depression but not at peace with her mind. It's like she's constantly having a battle in her head. She also might forget things al lot easier that other would. Sometimes forget completely or take some time to remember." She explained.

"Well, is there some type of cure or treatment, I don't want my baby to feel left out or different." My Mom questioned, she always did that in situations; ask too many questions I mean.

"No, she could take some medicine but that'd only be for her headaches and nosebleeds. And about those, those are side affects of the illness. They take a physical toll on her body, her lungs will be strained and she will, occasionally, have severe nosebleeds and head aches. We can give her oxygen tanks, an inhaler, and even a BiPAP machine for over night use now and again." The doctor blathered, health mush blurted out of her mouth I could barely even care for it, I just want to wake up.

"Momma?" I uttered, fire burning my vocal cords as I spoke. I fluttered my eyes open, bright lights scorching my retinas.

"Elle, baby, you're awake." She announced.

"Why does my throat hurt so much?" I attempted to say. My words hoarse and choppy.

"You had a screaming fit in your sleep, but the good side is that you're going home, little sister. And I mean home." Marissa told me, sitting by my side, stroking my curls out of my face with her nails. It made me look down at my own. They're long and unkept, I should sit down and do them one night.

"But what about our, uh, 'club'?" I asked her.

"Don't start, baby sister. We're in the midst of fixing the problem as we speak. I've been keeping Ryan posted, see?" She showed me messages between her Ryan and some from even Mark, it made me look at the date right before she locked her phone.

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