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"What color dress should I wear?"



"He loves blue."

It was the season of discos and dances, our school was having an 'after midterm' dance. It was a way for the students to chill after we just took our midterm tests. Marissa was currently freaking out over dresses and shoes and such. But my thing is,'why not just go in pants'? But I'm not allowed to do that for whatever reason. My mom and I were not on the same page when it came to things like this, and as for us Mech-X girls, well we have problems of our own, take a look:

"Spyder hasn't asked me to the dance yet!" Sparrow screamed as she barged into my house at 11:30 am on a Saturday.

"Isn't he still into Cassie?" Harriet asked as she looked on her phone for a dress as well, I was in the process of texting Ryan about improvements to the robots.

"No," she plopped down on the couch,"yes?" She huffed then frowned again,"I don't know, but I don't see her in a giant robot helping him save the day." She complained as she propped her feet up on the coffee couch.

"Technically Ryelle save the day, Spyrow is like the second cousin of Ryelle." Marissa stated from her place at the kitchen island.

"Did you know that 'Ryelle' has its own fan page?" I asked kinda frightened that a whole bunch of people just follow me and Ryan around and probably hope that we break up, I've noticed some girls at school looking at my man a little too hard.

"Aw, is my little sister jealous?" Marissa picked fun with me.

"No, your little sister has nothing to be jealous about, but it still isn't okay and I will 2 piece a hoe." I said

"No you won't." A familiar voice said as I heard the swift movements of my friends coming through the door.

My boyfriend's swift strides over to the couch on the opposite side of the living room where I was were heard as soon as he came into my house. I then felt his weight on my as he gently crushed my, he had done this before; as you saw last chapter of course.

"I told you to stop getting into fights." His voice was muffled for his face was in the crook of my neck and he was giving my collar bone butterfly kisses. He's been kinda needy lately and I don't exactly know why, but I'm not exactly complaining.

"C'mon, Ry Guy," I said as he lifted his head up to look into my eyes,"what's life without a little fire?"

"A safe, calm, loving one where you won't have to make a volcano erupt so we can live happily ever after." He said smartly.

"Oh, baby," I poured,"we're two teenagers who fight in two 150 foot giant robots, there is no happily ever afters, more like a sequel if anyone would've read a book like that."

"Didn't we have this conversation before?" Sparrow asked from her place on my couch, now one of her feet were on the ground and she tapped it profusely.

"Yeah, but, I feel like it's making an impact so it's just gonna keep coming up in our most random moments." I said with a shrugged as I stroked my hand slowly through Ryan's hair.

"Babe," Marissa turned to Mark from where they sat extremely close together from the kitchen island,"we gotta go about my dress." She said eagerly.

"You found one already?" He asked with a look of disbelief on his face.

"No, that's why we have to go." She said as she pulled her boyfriend out of the door before they both peeked there heads through the doorway,"you guys are gonna have to ride your bikes or walk to the robots today."

"Stay out of trouble, little sister." Marissa yelled as she ran out, slamming the door with a thud.

It was quiet and the only real sound was coming from Sparrow tapping her foot feverishly.

"Sparrow, quit it before you wake up China." Harriet said making the girl grown and Spyder say,"do you really think they can hear us?" He said looking around as if he was on some type of hidden camera television show.

Ryan rolled his eyes before sitting us and bringing me with him and saying,"So, how about this dance?"

"Oh, I got my dress yesterday and it is so pretty," Harriet boasted happily,"I can't wait to go."

"And I can't wait to take you, my Maria Einstein." Harris cooed to her. They're weird but a cute, smart, strange type of weird.

"Maria Einstein?" Ryan questioned not knowing who she is or of her importance.

"Maria Einstein was-"

I cut Harriet off,"Was the younger sister, by two years, of Albert Einstein. She was a doctor but as they were growing up they resembled each other physically and even grew to be best friends." I said looking at my fingers not knowing of the looks I got from my small ramble.

I looked up to see why there was such a long silence to see everyone look at me,"Why are you al lookin at me?" I furrowed my brows.

"How'd you know that?" Harriet said," you don't get to know things we know things, you've never said anything like that before?" She was baffled.

"I dunno, maybe I was a secret genius and no one knew it?" I said kind of smugly and turned to Spyder and Sparrow to see draw attention away from me.

"So what about you two," I breathed," What are you guys going to do about the dance?" I asked.

"Well, since I've asked Cassie and have gotten denied about a dozen times I guess I'm out of ideas." He said which only made Sparrow's eye twitch before she went into a screaming frenzy and stomped off into an unknown room down my hallway.

Ryan and I both followed her with our eyes but stayed put and then looked to Spyder and said in unison,"Go fix her." And pointed in the direction of where she had went.

"Wait, Sparrow, come back!" He yelled at her.

"So, what are you guys going to do for the dance?" Harris asked as he took hold of Harriet's hand.

We both just shrugged and glanced at each other briefly. I don't know how I feel about this, I mean I don't really care- I'm not the one to really care for dresses. I'm not mad at the fact that he hasn't asked me, but this is the first dance we've been to since I've been ill. I just don't want her or her to ruin my time if he ever does ask me.

"What, you haven't asked each other to go yet?" Harris asked pointing between the two of us.

Ryan made a quick pssh sound with his mouth as if he dismissed the question before actually speaking,"Of course we haven't asked each other," he then put his arm around me and kissed my temple as he brought me closer to his body," we don't have to ask it's just a thing. We're Ryelle, there's no one else we would go with."

It then hit me, he didn't ask me because we would go anyways. We love each other, we're the Corpanga of Mech-X4. Romeo and Juliet, Bonnie and Clyde, MacBeth and Lady MacBeth; I know not all of those end in happy endings but neither does life.

"Yeah, we're the best couple this school has ever seen. We don't need to ask each other because, well, who else would we go with? No one else would go with us, anyways." I said confidently, proud of the relationship I have with my boy.

"Why wouldn't anyone else want to go with you guys? You're like the supermodels of the freshman class." Harriet said as if we were so superior.

"We have been claimed by each other, Ryan's name is literally on my body." I said," and plus everyone knows Ryan is mine."

"Yeah, no one can touch the king," Ryan said putting a hand on his chest then taking my chin in his hand," and his queen." He said pulling my lips towards his for a quick kiss.

"That's right." I boasted with a smile that was forested at him.



Told you.


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