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"You're beautiful, kind, gorgeous, lovely, and I could literally go on forever about how much you mean to me. You make my heart beat a little faster, my day better, but at the same time... I'm scared as hell to mess this up. I want, no, I need you in my life. Rochelle Williams, you are the love of my life, you are the prettiest girl I've ever seen; I don't ever want you to forget that. I'm not some shallow jerk who would make the mistake of dumping you for something so small. Your still the same girl that I fell in love with, no matter where you come from."

He was holding onto the sides of my face by now. His bright green, his thumb raised and swiped across my bottom lip.

"I really want to kiss you, sweet girl." Ryan said to me, his face boyish from the passion that flowed from his words just a mere minute ago.

"And I really want you to kiss me." I smiled at him as his hands brought my face closer to his for a simple, long lasting, passionately sweet kiss.

I could feel this sort of lightning shoot through my body. Everything was good, life was perfect in this moment. It's everything I've always wanted.

We soon had to break apart for air, our Linda were completely tangled up with each other's. I don't even know how that's possible, four limbs should not be able to get this tangled up.

"I have something to give you." He stood up, pulling me with him and stood still in front of me.

His hand, which became a lot more sweaty in this second, was shaking as it held onto mine. You could see a slight glint of sweat form on his forehead as he was nervous. My electrical sockets then started to slightly surge.

"Breathe. Calm down, this is me we're talking about here." I tried shooting him.

"That's why I'm so afraid." He chuckled, kneeling in front of me and pulling a small velvet box out of his pocket.

He opened the box to reveal a small, simple, gold ring with a diamond stud placed gently atop of it.

"Gorgeous, will you go on a date with me, I mean a real date, one where I can make you feel special and it's just us?" He looked scared.

I couldn't exactly speak so all I did was nod vigorously. He laughed at my reaction and slipped the jewel onto my left ring finger, I feel like he's proposing; that'd be nice day.

He picked me up and twirled me around a bit, my giggling flowing so easily. He stopped and held me up; my legs around his waist, his hands beneath my thighs. He then let out the softest yawn I've ever heard, it was barely audible, but it had feeling behind it to me.

"Are you tired, baby?" I asked him as I pushed our faces closer together our foreheads and noses touching, I stared between his eyes and lips as he nodded and uttered a soft,

"Lay down with me, I need my princess with me."

He later me down on our bed first, then laying on top of me, he rested his head on my chest as he wrapped his arms around my torso. He hid his face in my chest, subconsciously. I absentmindedly started pulling my fingers through his hair, I could almost feel my grey eyes twinkle as I thought of the sleepy boy with me, my sleepy boy.

I looked up at my ceiling, thinking about anything that popped in my head. I suddenly felt kisses on my neck, it was lulling me to sleep.

"Is my baby boy giving me sleepy kisses?" I giggled, the gesture tickling me. It was silent, he was barely able to until he murmured a barely coherent mumble of approvement.

The kiss was making me slowly making me fall asleep. He was asleep as well, he was slowly starting to rub my sides.

"Don't leave me, okay, promise me that you'll be here when I wake up?" My love suddenly spoke up.

"I'll always be here, I'll always trust you." I whispered, unconsciousness taking over me.

"Mommy, can me and daddy help cook today?"

"Yeah, can we, mommy, please." He said pouting, childishly.

"Well, duh." I said crossing my eyes and pulling a goofy face at my daughter.

"Yay!" My husband cheered, picking up our 4 year old then coming by my side, wrapping his arm around my waist.

"I love you, monkey." He said rubbing his nose against Rosalee's.

"And I love you too, gorgeous." He said pecking my lips.

I looked at my daughter and then back at my love. We then kissed his cheeks, squishing his face.

"We love you too, daddy."  The young, turquoise eyed girl chimed, the green flecks sparkling like her dad's.

He put her down and then looked at me.

"We've made a beautiful little girl, pretty girl." He smiled at me.

"That we have, Ryan." I turned away from him, our pretty little girl was already elbow deep in potato salad.

"I can't believe everything that's happened, all of our friends are perfect, our lives are great, and my wife is..."

"Trying to feed her family and needs no distractions." I grabbed his face with one hand, and brought his face to mine, pecking his lips.

We then heard the soft giggles of our little bug, our precious daughter.

"Mommy, can I ask you something?" He had the most innocent look on her face.

Ryan and I looked at each other then back at our daughter. He walked to the table and sat down, pulling me in his lap as I tugged Rosalee onto the table in front of us. Our black haired, light skinned, baby girl looked down shyly.

"Momma, when did you start to love daddy?" The toddler wriggled in her spot.

Ryan stayed quiet.

"Well...I always have, we've had a few bumps in the road, but I've never had a moment when I've doubted loving him." This is gonna be hard for her to process.

"Dada, when did you start loving mommy?"

He chuckled, leaning his forehead on my shoulder for a second then look at our little girl.

"The second I heard her sing, that's the first time I new that she had to be mine." I stayed silent.

"Ain't that right, Roe?"

His voice started fading. Wait, what, no.

"Roe, wake up, baby."  I opened my eyes to see the love of my life. I cleared my throat, trying to make it sound less groggy.

"Baby boy, you'd make a fantastic father."  I smiled, he had a look of shock spread over his face.

"What, where did that come from?" He was in complete shock.

"You wouldn't believe the dream I had..."

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