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It's been a few days since our anniversary and you gotta guess what's the Markissa 6 month-iversary. Yup, my dorky sister and my boyfriend's airhead brother have officially been dating for 6 whole months, that's half a year. The seasons are finally starting to get cooler, not exactly quite yet; jacket weather nonetheless. But some crazy things have happened, okay let me catch you up to speed.

'Principal' Grey has been spying on us, she's also been the one trying to sabotage our lives and help her boss take over the world. She was going to help until she was fired and her whole 'principal of Bay City High' cover got blown, she also returned a bunch of items stolen from my house and Ryan's. We also made an alliance with her as she lead us to her boss only to double cross us. To her surprise we double crossed her double cross...sad part is, in order to defeat her Ryan and I had to do this trick we've been working in where we combine our powers for a 'X-weapon', she ended up not surviving. And I feel like it was all my fault. She  had my hand, I had her life in my hands and she just gave up, I tried to save her. I could have saved her, why didn't I save here? No one saved me and that's all I wanted was to help her like my friends did for me. I'm horrible.

I was in one of the many hiding shafts that were in Mech-X3. Ryan had been trying to contact me all morning, I didn't exactly tell him. No one knows about these places except for me, it's like a little room. It has a floor shaft like the one that goes to the head of Mech-X, it was really roomy, you could house a homeless person in here, I'm assuming it was Layla. It had strings, plans, books, pencils. I even found a journal, it talked a little about Ryan and I. Then about our team and how different we are, but she talked about life as well, she was different from Leo; not from his world but he still made her apart of it. She was foreign but he accepted her, and loved her; yup, they were in love.   Remind you of anybody?

I was there now, my nose stuck in a book, my phone on a little desk beside me from where I sat on a chair. My phone started ringing, I used my powers to answer it, not wanting to be interrupted," Que pasa?" I spoke as it turned onto speaker phone.

"Roe, where are you? Your presence is needed." Harris' voice was heard through the phone. I sighed as I cleaned up my things and put them the way I liked them, I wrote down they line I was on and the word on a sticky note, putting the sheets of paper in as a bookmark.

"On my way down, why is my presence needed?" I said as I put my phone in my back pocket, still on, and climbing down the latter and into a main hallway, hiding my traces once more.

"Cause your boyfriend is being a needy freak." I higher pitched female voice said, one that I've recognized as Harriet.

"Hey, I am not needy, I'm just curious as to my girlfriend's every waking move," I heard Ryan's voice whine in the background,"okay I know how that sounds but you would have to be us to understand," I then heard shuffling closer to the phone,"Ain't that right, baby?"

I giggled at my boyfriend,"Yup, I'll be there in 10." I announced as I heard the murmurs of my friends coming closer, I hung up my phone, knowing I was in close enough range. I had just entered the room and no one noticed.

"Minutes?" Marissa asked, thinking I was still on the telephone, leaning closer to the speaker.

"Seconds." I confirmed as I walked in, my 2 inch sneaker wedges clanking on the ground.

My black leather jacket hugged my ribs comfortably, white shirt neatly tucked into my ankle bottom, high-waisted jeans. Simple outfit, large process.

"Where were you?" Sparrow asked as I kept walking over to the couch, hoping over it and sitting down on the cushioning.

"Up in the clouds." I answered. I wasn't technically wrong, the shaft I usually go in is up a little higher in the head, and the X-deck, where we are now, is farther down than that. I wouldn't be surprised if I did reach the clouds, my ears just now popped.

"Why do you me- are those my shoes?" Marissa said angrily, pointing at my feet that were propped up on the couch.

"Don't start." I warned, pointing at her.

"Okay, but you can't-" this time Mark and I both simultaneously said,"Don't start."

She slumped for a second,"She can't just-"

"Marissa May Webster, you will catch these hands; I will not hesitate to put my hands on you like I'm a grown man." I warned her, my voice deeper and more stern.

"Rochelle Rosemary Arrietty Williams, I will-" and that was it, after the last few days I've had t, my stress level through the roof and I've finally blown a fuse. She's pushed me over the limit.

It was once swift movement, I had jumped from the couch and tackled my sister. We were a jumbled mess on the floor of Mech-X3, this isn't even the first time that this has happened, almost every holiday we're either spending out night fight king and getting pulled away from or breaking up a fight from one of our family members.

We wrestled for awhile, me getting a couple of swings in before we were pulled away. That's when I heard the shoutings of protests coming from my friends. Mark, Ryan, Sparrow, and Harriet restrained me while Marissa was being pulled back by Spyder and Harris. It was a known fact, I was the most aggressive in my household; or out of the team for that matter.

I still had Marissa by the back of her collar as we were being pulled away, dragging her with me a bit, making Ryan slap my hand away harshly.

"Rochelle Williams-Webster, you let go of your sister!" Mark chastised.

I huffed and let Ryan carry my away on his shoulder. He sat me down on a chair and crossed his arms in front of me sternly. I looked past him and Mark, seeing my sister a mess.

I giggled, making her look my way. This caught her attention, she mimicked my actions," Look at you, girl, you look like you just caused the tornado that blew Dorothy to the Land of Oz." She mocked. My friends looking happy that were able to make up in a heart beat.

"Well what about you? You look like boo boo the fool." I snorted,"oh, you look like the hair ball that uncle Ray's cat coughed up on thanksgiving." We both heaved simultaneously, we didn't know it but we had gravitated towards each other, standing in the middle of the X-deck. She opened her arms up for me, rolling my eyes I had been embraced in her sisterly hug.

She sighed,"This might be one of the only times we've hugged." She mentioned.

I breathed in slightly,"Yeah, this isn't a hug." I told her, my grip tightening around her, looks of confusion written on my friends faces,"it's a take down." I flipped us so that she was on bottom, making us flop on the ground, me suffocating my older sibling.

"Te amo !" I screamed in her face, she shook her head,"Pero te quiero hermana mayor!" I screamed once more, she laughed as she rolled me off of her.

"Tú ganas, you win. I give up." She said laughing. Our boyfriends then towered over us, there shadows cold. I look Ryan in the eyes then smirk, an idea runs through my blood and gushes to my head, I whispered my plan to Mari. She looked excited and nodded. We both looked at our loves, raised an eyebrow and said..."you're next." They quickly looked at each other and then bolted out the door, with the Webster sisters hot on there trail.

Who are we?

Hey, hey, hi, hello, what it do, wassup? ( again who am I? And who talks like this? I'm on an acid trip.) but this is like a filler kinda preview for how some of the chapters will be. This book will be fairly long, I like long books. So get ready for that.

What even is this? I don't know. Will I ever know? Probably not. What is this, what is that, what is up, what is down, who are you, who am I, what drugs am I taking this late at night?

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