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"Marissa, you are the worst sister ever!" I yell. Hi, I'm Rochelle Williams-Webster, and I live in Bay city. I'm 14, Black and Latina, oh, and I have a superpower. I can control technology, with my mind. I know I sound crazy, but when you're been an orphan in the Foster system and have been to 6 group homes and parents, anything seems possible.

Anyways, I was fighting with my adoptive sister, the queen of perfect, she can do anything; Marissa Webster, everybody. She keeps on telling me I'm crazy, out of everyone in the world she should have my back. I know that there is something going on with me, she won't believe me tho. 

Okay it started out with my phone being completely charged and then dying right in front of me, but that happens to everyone so I didn't think much of it. Then, my phone kept on uploading the most embarrassing pics of me, at first I thought it was Marissa, but even she knows I can play at that game. And finally I got electrocuted, I wasn't even near a socket; I was holding my electro acoustic ukulele. I just thought that the universe was out to get me for all those times that I may or may not have broken a law.

"Get over yourself, Roe, you are completely fine, it's not like you wear any of these clothes anyways."

"I could wear them if you'd stay out of my stuff."

If she keeps taking stuff from my room she is going to pay. Out of all the families I was adopted into and she had to be in it, okay that was harsh I love her...sometimes, but she can't keep doing this.

She then walked into our shared bathroom and plugged up her straightening iron; getting ready to do her hair. I walk in and lean on the wall that's right behind me, watching her do her hair, I watch as she straightens her her shoulder-length, black and navy blue hair. I wonder what would happen if I just...

I use my power to heat up the iron as soon as her finger slipped and got a little too close the the upper part of the tool. I could see her bronze colored skin turn a shade of pink.

"Ow!" She yells as she drops the iron on the skin counter, taking her finger and sucking in the raw part, trying to stop the throbbing of her index finger.

I just lean back and started to giggle; amused with my doings I unplug the straightener and as she leaves the bathroom. Using my Shea Butter and coconut hair mist I spray my natural curly. I take some of my leave in conditioner and pile it onto my hair making sure everyday of my hair gets saturated. My hair isn't exactly special, it stops at the end of my waist, Raven black, it's naturally curly, and is parted in the middle a lot; it's one of my three natural parts. One on the right, left, and straight down the middle.

Anyways, when I get down with my morning process I head down stairs and get an apple from the basket. Of course Marissa left me to get a ride with her stupid friends. As soon as I grabbed my bag to Gloria stopped me.

"Oh wait, there you are, Rochelle." She said, coming into the kitchen.

"Yup, here I am. Is there something you need, Gloria?" I asked her looking at the clock on the wall and set my bag down.

"You know, you can call me 'mom' if you'd like?" She said sitting next to me.

"I know, I am very much so aware."

"Well...that's good, that's good. Do you want me to drive you to school, I have a couple of minutes before I go to work."

"No thanks, I'm fine." I say as I grab my bag.

Right as I was walking out the door she yelled, "tell your sister I said to be nice to you."

This is gonna be a looong day.

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