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"Do you really think I could do that to Ryan?"

"You do it all the time, today we're simply putting it to the test."

Sparrow, Harriet, and I were currently talking the at school a week later, I had a huge gash on my right side, Marissa and Mark have been working really hard together on Mech-X3 trying to get me better. Ryan has been doing okay and speaking of my gorgeous, green-eyed boyfriend we were talking about him.

"Rochelle, I don't think you realize this, but you can make Ryan extremely nervous." Sparrow tried explaining me.

"Yeah, you're like the hottest one out of the three of us. You have guys all over you constantly." Harris spoke from my right side as we were waiting for our boys at their lockers.

"Really, I thought people look at my sister?" I asked cocking my head and looking at each of them before I looked in front of me once more. My books held tightly against my chest.

"They do, but she's got every upperclassmen at her side; you, my optimistic friend, have every lowerclassmen wrapped your pretty, little, technopathic, finger." Sparrow explained, comprehension flowing throw me.

"Hey girls," a familiar voice called to us I looked up to see who it was.

"Ricky, oh my god, hey. How are you?" I asked flustered, hearing soft giggles escape the mouths of my best friends on either side of me; I was trapped between them, Ricky, and a hard place.

"I'm perfect now that I got to see your angel face today, especially since Mr. Attentive isn't here." I furrowed my eyebrows trying to figure out what he meant by 'Mr.Attentive'.

"Do you mean Ryan?" Spar asked just as I opened my mouth to do the same. Harriet ceased her laughter glaring at the stunning boy in front of me.

"Yeah, he almost killed me last time I talked to you. Why doesn't he want us hanging out?" He asked cocking his head to my right, getting closer and closer.

My friends pushed the boy away from me, standing in front of me protectively.

"Woah, woah, woah, I don't know who you think you are but you need to back up off our best friend, she has a boyfriend," Sparrow said, sass and attitude dropping from the chastisement she was giving, Harriet picked up with," touch our best friend one more time and you'll regret it."

Ricky chuckled, "Ladies, calm down, I'm simply trying to befriend this sweet, goddess-like girl. I don't want to steal her from Ryan. And even if I did it would be her choice, who would stop me."

"I would," an arm wrapped around my hips protectively, pushing me into the side of a familiar body type," and I'm gonna tell you if you don't leave my girlfriend alone we're gonna have problem." He told him angrily.

Ricky pushed past my friends, walking up to Ryan as his grip on me got tighter, " And what are you gonna do about it, it would be her choice, so you'd better not slip up cause I'll be there waiting." He stormed off, leaving me discombobulated and my boyfriend baffled.

"He's such a jerk, who does he think he is trying to steal my girl?" Ryan yelled, turning and turning his combination lock to the familiar numeric pattern I knew by heart. He got a couple of books out of his locker as his friends and brother came to his side, having witnessed the scene that just occurred.

"He's just trying to get in your head, there's no way Rochelle would ever pick that guy over you, right, Roe?" Everyone looked at me.

I stayed silent, looking at everyone then walking away. Ryan following me and since we had this lesson together he sat next to me, as perusal.

I sat silently, getting my things together and organized. Ryan came in and sat in the table next to me, it was art class so we all shared tables but had individual chairs. He looked over at me, my face plain as the early morning light shown in through the window.

"You're not mad, are you?" He asked concerned.

"I'm not the one who should be upset, you are. I'm so sorry that this happened, I know how much you hate him," I turned over so I was in my stool facing him," Ryan, if I could redo my life I wouldn't change a thing. I'd still keep every moment from the nanosecond we met to right now, I love it all, I love you." I smiled at him, he flashed a grin back to me.

"You wouldn't change anything?" He asked. Heat rose to the apples of his cheeks as you could see a light pink dust over them. I leaned into kiss my boyfriend as I did frequently," I hope you two realize that you're in public."

We jumped apart at the sudden speech from a recognizable tone of voice,"Harris, you couldn't have given me two more seconds?" Ryan asked, annoyance lacing in his voice.

"No because we all still need to talk." Harriet chimed in as she sat in front of me and Harris in front of Ryan.

"Talk about what, Ricky, Roe and I already worked that out, Ryelle is endgame, remember?" Ryan became fidgeting, becoming uncomfortable with the topic.

"No, not Ricky, and yes, Ryelle is endgame. That's not I was talking about though. Ryan isn't it true that Roe makes you nervous?" She asked, Ryan's movements stopped he looked up at us sheepishly.

"No, she's my girlfriend, I feel comfortable around her. Well, maybe sometimes, no! I love her, so to answer your question- she doesn't make me nervous." He rambled, making me grin.

"Oh, baby, it's fine, it isn't anything to be embarrassed about. I'm supposed to make you feel that way, and I better be the only one to make you feel that way."

"Love, I'm telling you I don't feel anything but love when I'm around you," I stood and placed myself on his lap, his hands finding their place on my thighs and waist," you're such a tease." He declared, glaring at me.

I giggled and stood, sitting in my chair once again," I'm your tease, Mr. Walker." I leaned forward to kiss just below his ear and nibble the top of it. He stool violently for a second.

"You're giving me chills." He scratched the back of his neck, slightly baffled from the affect I had on him.

"But I am not some type of boy magnet or something." I turned to my friend and said, Harriet raised an eyebrow towards me.

"Yes you are and I'll prove it." He stood and walked away in to the hall, coming back with a boy whom I did not know the name of.

"Hey, what's your name?" She asked the boy, he had brown hair and dressed nicely; he wasn't Ryan, though.

"Bryson." He answered her question, discombobulated.

"Well, Bryson, this is my best friend, Rochelle. Now, I'm gonna ask you a question." She paused, looking at me then back at him," Do you think she's attractive?"

"Yeah, she's gorgeous." He smiled at me, charmingly.

I furrowed my eyebrows not in disgust or anything of the sort, but I do it often, it's more of an insecure habit. I furrow my eyebrows, look down and stuck a strand of my curls behind my ear.

"Too bad, she's taken." Ryan scooted closer to me and wrapped his arm around my waistline. His protective nature kicking in.

The boy left and Harri sat down, satisfied.

"Told you so..."

Este va a ser un día largo ...

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