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"Oh, hey Ricky, I didn't know you worked here." I told the boy who still remained a mystery to me.

"Well, yeah, my dad owns the place and this is like the only way I get money around my house." He told me

I giggled, trying to be polite, then suddenly I felt a crushing pain in my hand, literally, Ryan was crushing my hand; I don't think he means to he's just caught in the moment. He realized my discomfort when I pursed my lips and tried pulling back; he loosened his grip.

"Well, I think that we should order now so that he can leave." Ryan said, smiling at our group.

"Oh, come on Ryan, that wouldn't make your beautiful, sweet girlfriend happy, now would it?" Ricky told him.

You can feel the tension, I don't like Ricky, I'm just intrigued by his being. That doesn't make it any better. I'm in love with Ryan, infatuated with the boy, he's so intoxicatingly lovely. Ricky is just interesting.

"Actually it would make me more than happy, let's leave guys." I said in a hurry. Ryan stood, pulling me up with him. As they were walking by each other the two rivals bumped shoulders aggressively.

We got in the car as it was starting to get late, we all thought our night was ruined. I'm an orphan who has had to fend for herself for years, this is nothing compared to the things that have happened to me. This still has potential.

The usual chatter of the car was silent, everyone was silent. I saw Spyder slide his hand next to Sparrows' hesitantly, I tapped Ryan and nodded to the action that was taking place. Sparrow noticed the sudden movement, Spyder not moving, The brown haired girl laced their fingers together. The two continuing to blush, be silent, and look out the window. My boyfriend and I smiling at each other, he leaned towards me for a brief moment and then kissing my forehead. He laced our fingers again, giving the boy comfort.

I used my technopathy to write a quick message to him:

~Spyrrow is setting sail

He checked the message, giving me a half-hearted smile, I like his real one a lot better, he tucked his back into his pocket before tensing up again and making my eyes widen. The car jerked,

"I can not believe him!" Ryan suddenly shouted making us all jump. That's why the car stopped.

"Ryan, moaning and groaning about it isn't gonna make you feel better." Harris tried to reason with him.

"It might." Ry said, shrugging his shoulders and raising his eyebrows.

"Pretty sure it won't."

"But there's a slight chance it might."

Harriet and I both looked at each other, raising one eyebrow.

We both grabbed their faces and made them look at us, they both turned various shades of red.

It shocked me because I never thought that sweet, innocent, kind Harriet would do such a thing. Oh god, I've already corrupted her.

"Ryan, don't think anything of it. He just tried to make conversation with me." I tried to make him feel better.

"Thank you, love, for trying to make me feel better, but I hate that guy." He said blandly, pecking my lips and sitting back in his seat, angrily mumbling things about his new rival to himself.

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