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It was the same day, they were apparently doing some type of social experiment. All my mom and Mari said was something like," you two don't realize how important the other is to the other," and "oh, you two are so cute and I just wanna look out for you because you're my sister and we're gonna share a last name for once when we marry our boyfriends." Dumb stuff like that, so I replied with," mom, stop playing games," and "Marissa May Webster, mess outta my life."

So they put up a game of some sort, my boyfriend and I were separated for an hour and a half then both moved to the basement.

Relief flood my system when I saw him; I ran towards my love and tackled him to the floor with a muffled 'thud'. She peppered kisses all over my face. When I finally got off of him I turned to look at my friends and family. An angry laugh started to slowly bubble up from my throat from deep within my chest.

"Someone is in trouble, someone is gonna get hurt, and I'm waiting to find out the reason why I have to hurt and potentially kill my dearest friends and mother." I told them angrily, Ryan rolling his lips into his mouth for a moment.

"We just wanna test the power couple of the century." Marissa told me sweetly, trying to act innocent.

"I thought you and Mark were the power couple of the century?" Ryan asked the two older siblings looking cocky as ever, Mark wrapped an arm around my sister as she kissed his cheek lovingly. Ryan and I rolled our eyes at them.

"When is Roe's birthday, Ryan?" Spyder asked.


"May, what?"

"May 31st, 2002, 5:38 pm." He answered simply, I didn't know he knew that about me, I didn't know he knew anything about me.

"Roe, what's Ryan's favorite color?" Harris asked me.

"Red, almost all of his flannels are red." I answered softly.

"Ryan, do you know what your girlfriend's favorite day of the week is?" Marissa asked, they all seemed to take a few steps closer, making Ryan grab my hand and pull me to his side and back.

"Friday, she likes that day because that's the day she was born."

"Okay, if you two know all of this stuff about each other than what's the problem?" My mother asked us.

"I don't know, what is the problem?" I retaliated.

"Roe, this is about you, Ryan didn't do anything this time." Mark said to me.

I raised an eyebrow and made a face of disgust, "How can this be about me, how did I do something wrong if I stay in the house. I can't do wrong by anybody but myself if I'm always in the house."

"You know what you did," Marissa looked at me. We gave each other a series of faces, sister telepathy comes in handy for things like this.

I leaned closer to Ryan,"Run?" I asked him. He nodded his head.

We ran to a nearby window, Ryan placed his hands on my waist and hoisted me up. Once I was out I grabbed his hand and pulled him up with me.

We ran out of the house and down the street.

"What was the point of that?" Ryan asked as we were running, our chests heaving as our feet stomped against the concrete sidewalks.

"Oh, I think you and your brother should've known what you guys were signing up for," we stopped to catch our breaths, Ryan's hands on his knees and mine on my sides.

Just as I started to catch my breath I saw Mark driving our car around the block," Ryan, my family is insane." I said before I grabbed his hand and pulled him into some bushes.

We hid and peeked out between the leaves, our car passed my us, but when it got to the end of the street it broke down. Ryan grabbed my hand and drug me between a couple of neighbors yard," You gotta love technopathy."

We made it to Mech X-3, that's a place they would never dare bring my mom. When we got to the X-deck we at down on the couches.

"I'm an awful girlfriend." I said with my face in my hands and my elbows rested on my knees.

"What, no, of anything I'm an awful boyfriend." Ryan said to me, pulling me by my legs closer to him.

"You can't be a bad boyfriend, bad boyfriends don't have a face like that or are this understanding and patient with terrible girlfriends like me." I told him, my voice upset. He pulled my in his lap, kissing my neck and running a hand through my curls.

"Oh trust me, baby, there's a lot you don't know." He told me, running a hand up and down my back.

"Like what?"

"I get so scared when I leave you alone, either someone's gonna steal yo away from me or that you're gonna get hurt. Maybe I am the worst?"

"Ryan, shut up," I told him as he raised an eyebrow at my words," You're the best, cutest, most attractive, funniest, and most understanding person I've met. And for some odd reason you've one to love me, and I am forever grateful for that, so don't for one second be insecure. Take one second to not try to make me feel better about myself and make yourself a priority."

"Sweet girl, I can't do that, you will forevermore be a priority of mine, so how about this. If you'll let me treat you right for our anniversary then you can take control from there, deal?"

"Deal." I told him smiling at my lovely boyfriend.

"Kiss on it?" He asked me, as I lovingly rolled my eyes and stood up. He stood up behind me and caught my hand, pulling my back to him, my body against his.

"Oh, I wasn't exactly, love." He grabbed my face, pulling my lips against his. Smiling into the kiss for a second. He put his tongue in my mouth for a second, before pulling it back to rub against my lip.

I pulled away,"you did that process totally backwards." I told him, walking away.

"I knew what I did, I was totally aware on how it is done and what I did." He called to me jogging towards me. He grabbed me by my waist and pulled me off my feet, and turning my around in the air. He finally placed me on my feet and turned me to face him, I was disoriented and dizzy when he kissed my nose and muttered a cute," you're it."

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