Deleting, votings, and whateva

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Okay so me being the person I am the kind of person that can never keep there train of thought going straight, it always seems to go off the rails (puns) and I was wondering if you guys would want to see any of the other stories I've been working on, like if you guys get bored with this then I can have other works on here to keep y'all Mech-babies occupied and whatnot.

So if you want to you can comment and vote on which one you'd want. If anyone reads this of course. But if not enough people read my story I could delete it if you guys don't like it anymore. Like for this one if you hustle find too many things wrong with it and don't feel as excited with it I could always delete it. And I'm sorry for all the announcements, but y'all have to tell me what you think too. I have to be better, gotta make improvements.

So vote and comment on stories:

Ben 10:Back Up- in which a misunderstood princess also discovers an omnitrix and has to deal with Ben's attitude, aliens, her parents, and her kingdom.

Ways to die forever-(based off of a movie Ways to Live Forever) a dying girl tells her story through a journal and video as she tries to live the last wishes of her friends Sam and Felix, who are dead and look after her.

The Space Around Us-(based off of The Space Between Us) Gardner Elliott, the first person born on Mars looses contact with his first love and the girl he almost died for, he then starts communicating with a new girl. A foster girl with a criminal record that is going to do everything in her power to help Gardner find his first love drug, Tulsa. Despite how much she has fallen for her and he for her.

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