The Final Battle

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-Geno POV-

A wave of light hits me. I'm blinded for a second.

When I regain my ability to see. Frisk is floating.

In their body. But they looked different.

One. There body was a whole ray of colors.
It was glitching badly, it looked hybrid like.

"I'm telling you. You don't want this. I'll make your life a living hell." They echo throughout the darkness around us.

"NO. JUST STOP!" I scream, like I'm scolding a child.

"I'm sorry. I just need your soul. Then it all will be over."

"Over my dead body." Reaper gets in front of me.

"It will." They laugh.

They send an orb of light at Reaper. He dodges.

*Child of Light-Darkness*

I have no choice. I send a wave of attacks at Frisk.

It does little to damage their HP.

In return they send a more waves of black and white orbs. All at Reaper.

They're targeting him.

"REAPER MOVE!" I scream. Frisk glances at me and smirks.

That little bastard.

I send more attacks.

Nothing helps.

Nothing's stops them.

Reaper is getting tired.

He is dying.

"Geno. If I die. Please don't give up." Reaper whispers. He walks closer to me.

"I won't let you die." I'm willful.

"Heh. I'm Sorry." He chuckles. He summons a Row of Gater blasters.

They circle around Frisk.

"WHAT." Frisk tries to move. But can't. "YOU." Frisk seems like they are talking to themselves.

I start to laugh. Chara.

Thanks friend.

The Blasters fire.

Reaper struggles to continue standing.

And Frisk is on the ground.

"Dam-m you." They whisper. There body is slowly evaporating into the air. "DAMN YOU." Tears drip down their face. "I WONT GO OUT LIKE THIS!"

They're body freezes for a moment. They summon dozens of magic daggers.

Each one goes through Reaper. He collapses. He spits blood.

"Go to hell." Reaper sputters. His wounds are fatal ones.

"I am hell." Frisk laughs as their body evaporates.

"Nonononono." I hold Reaper's body. "NO. Please don't die." Reaper just smiles.

"A death was guaranteed. It would've probably been mine."

"NO. Don't die." I start to cry. I hug Reaper's limp body.

"Geno. Stop being stubborn. I'm too tired."

"P-please." Reaper kisses me.

"I love you. Good night. This story is pretty GRIM." He closes his eyes. He dusts.

"R-reaper." I can't feel anything.

I start to cry. I'm in the dark. Crying.

He died. He's dead.

"Reaper, you moron."

I feel a burning sensation.

I turn around.

*Reset* *Continue*

I hesitate.

I could see Reaper. Or save the people I fought for.

I think for a minute.

My answer is pretty clear.

I press the button.



Can we all realize Reaper went out on a Pun?


Well have a shitty chapter. Brought to you by Kail.

WE REACHED 10K! THX U SO MUCH! My life goal is complete

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My life goal is complete.

Well Adieu!

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