A/N (Very Important!)

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Ok some of you might know who Dazzling_Dragon is. You might know that she killed herself.

I never knew her personally, but she was an awesome writer.

I read her goodbye and cried. I cried because a person who deserved to live, died. I cried because I know people think about killing themselves all the time. If you do...


If you want to know a reason not to kill yourself, here it is:

Someone cares about you. If you think you don't; I care about you.

This is not another person saying, "don't kill yourself because it will effect everyone around you." This is me saying that if you ever need to smile; comment in one of my stories that your sad. If you ever need a friend, I'm here.

I was once told that I was a person who had to have friends. He realized he was wrong.

I like making friends because I know I can help people if they need it.

I came to Wattpad because I couldn't deal with the world. What I found was a people that cared about each other and made jokes. I felt apart of something for once. I felt people cared.

In all respect. Just don't kill your self.
I love all of you.
If you say it's impossible because I don't know you, don't say it.

Each one of you is special to me. No matter what.

Well adi-

I'm really not feeling like it today.

Afterdeath: Hercules (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now