Chapter 9: New Squad

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Jimin's POV

I skipped next class, Jungkook skipped with me. We went to the back of the field and just sat there, he was on his phone a lot but he still talked to me, "hey, since it's break next how about we just stay back here, I'll sit with you at break and then we can both sit with Seulgi at lunch? Unless you wanna be alooonnne?" He smirked and wiggles his eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes and giggled at the way he looked at me, "I don't mind Jungkook, I'd love to stay here for break but it's up to you if you sit with us or not." I replied, secretly hoping he'd sit with me but I didn't want him to know I didn't want to be alone with Seulgi...

"Well I think I'm gonna ask Jieun (IU) to the dance anyway so I should probably sit with her, you could ask Seulgi on a date and then ask her to the dance then, that's what I'm gonna do with IU, we'll go on a date tonight and I'll ask then!" He suggested and my chest hurt.

I forgot about the dance... And IU...

"Uh, I guess, but what do I say?" I asked in need of more of his teaching. "Well, just ask her if she wants to go somewhere with you tonight? Like dinner or even just the beach?" He shrugged as though it wasn't a big deal.

"Wait what about tutoring?" I asked and he thought for a second, "we can still do tutoring, just maybe for an hour instead of two hours, you could ask Seulgi out at 5 leaving you basically two hours to get ready?" He asked and I nodded.

"O-ok... I'll try... I like the beach, I'll probably invite her to the beach..." I mumbled as I was still thinking it through in my head. We heard the bell ring signalling the start of break and we watched the many students file out of the doors and outside into the summer breeze.

I spotted IU and Seulgi walk out of the school together, laughing with each other, "Jieun and Seulgi know each other?" I questioned and Jungkook looked up from his phone at me, "yeah they've been best friends since... Before I even knew either of them, that's why I was gonna suggest Seulgi for you because we could all go together to the dance as like a double date group thing." He smiled.

I did feel a little happier after what he said because at least I was going with him. Whether it was with him as more than a friend or not I could live as long as he was there.

I nodded before turning back, only to be met with both IU and Seulgi walking towards us both. "Uh, Jungkook, they're coming over." I warned him and he once again looked up from his phone to smile at both the girls who were drawing closer.

"Hey Jungkookie!" IU called with a little wave and Jungkook slightly waved back and grinned with his perfect teeth, it made me jealous that he looked at her like that and not me...

"Hey Jimin." Seulgi smiled and plopped down on the ground between me and Jungkook, with Jieun next to her so we were completely separated. IU started leaning against Jungkook and laughing with him, I was dying inside...

"So... I didn't know you and Jungkook were friends, I thought you said you just tutored him?" Seulgi asked me with a smile and her wide deep brown eyes, she was extremely pretty... "yeah, uh, I do tutor him, I don't really know if you could class us as friends..." I mumbled but Jungkook must've heard our conversation.

"What d'you mean Jiminie? Of course we're friends." He chirped and moved slightly away from IU and towards me, he rubbed my leg gently making me blush a little but smile. Jieun looked at me like I had just run over her cat.

Feeling slightly more confident I smirked before looking back at Seulgi, "Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are? Especially your eyes." She blushed a little and Jungkook stared in shock.

"Thanks Jimin." She giggled and moved her hair a little, "you wanna go to the beach later tonight, it's a nice day?" I asked and she grinned, "I'd love to!" She then looked over to Jieun and they did like a cute girl thing where they basically had a conversation with just their eyes.

I laughed and she looked back at me in confusion, "what's so funny?" She questioned and Jungkook looked at me with the same look, "just the way that girls can communicate with their eyes and I have no idea what you're trying to say to each other." I laughed again and Seulgi joined in.

The bell rang again and I got up with Seulgi, we started walking away and I heard Jungkook asking IU out on the date he was planning as well. I let out a small sigh and shook away all the thoughts I had about Jungkook before looking back over to my Date.

I smiled and listened to what she was talking about as we walked back into the school together, "oh and about what happened earlier..." She started and I laughed, "Quite the rebel eh?" She wiggled her eyebrows making me burst out laughing.

"You are literally amazing!" I blurted out and then immediately went red and stopped talking, "aww, thanks ChimChim."

Jungkook calls me ChimChim...

"Sorry if I made that awkward, you're just so funny, and not many girls can make me laugh." I said still slightly taken back by her calling me one of Jungkook's nicknames.

"Well I do try!" She said in an awful English accent making us both laugh, but thoughts of Jungkook still lingered in my mind. We all had the next lesson together, it was social studies.

I suddenly heard footsteps running behind me and quickly spun round only to be met with Jungkook grabbing me and spinning me around, "AGHHHH PUT ME DOOWWWNN JUNGKOOOK!!" I screamed while laughing.

He lifted me off the ground and onto his shoulders where I almost hit the ceiling of the school, "SHIT JUNGKOOK NO! IM FUCKING TERRIFIED OF HEIGHTS!!!" I screamed and grabbed onto his hair with a death grip.

"OW OW OW OW OK OK IM PUTTING YOU DOWN!" He responded as I tugged on his hair. He put me back into the ground and I let go but grabbed his arm, "sorry I forgot you were scared of heights..." he breathed out as we both panted out of breath.

I looked up at him and saw his hair sticking up all over the place and immediately burst into laughter, "what!?" He asked trying not to laugh at me, "your fucking hair!" I wheezed and he ran to one of the display boards to see his reflection in the glass as I just fell onto the floor.

IU and Seulgi were both laughing too and Jungkook started laughing when he saw it until he combed it all back down and we all eventually calmed down.

"Well that was fun, now we really gotta get to social studies." Seulgi said after we'd all stopped laughing and we all walked off to our lesson with Jungkook now standing next to me.

IU was wrapped around his arm the other side but I was just paying attention to the way he kept purposely nudging me and was trying to keep a straight face about it.

We eventually got to our class and we were the last there, "you four are late!" Mr. Sparrow shouted as he always does, he was already pissing me off.

"And?" Seulgi scoffed and we all went to go sit down together at the back. I saw Taehyung in the row in front and threw a ball of paper at him. He turned and rolled his eyes at me, "hey pussy!" I whispered and laughed, he laughed with me and turned fully towards me as the teacher sat looking at his computer.

"What?" He asked, "come sit here." I gestured to the seat that was empty next to me as Jungkook was the other side, Jieun made Seulgi sit next to her on the other side of Jungkook so I had an empty space.

He slowly got up and stayed crouched so he could move to the other seat without drawing to much attention and it worked! "Hey, are you ok now?" He asked because of earlier and I nodded, "yeah I'm good, sit with us at lunch?" I asked and gestured to Jungkook and the girls.

"Uh, is it ok if I bring someone?" He asked and I nodded. The teacher got up from his computer and started to teach the lesson which meant it was time to fall asleep.


Again I'm sorry this is boring.

I feel like that's all I keep saying anymore, it's stupid because I know exactly what I want to write, I have the next 9 chapters mapped out in detail... why do they end up so bad!?!?

But thank you for reading I hope you liked it!

Byyyeeeee 😘👋🏼👋🏼👋🏼

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