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Okay so here's the dilemma, I have a wonderful case of writers block. When I started writing this book everything just flowed. I never wrote out a plot scheme or a timeline or anything to prepare for this book, I just wrote. So each chapter I wrote was just me continuing the story that has been in my head.

NOWWW... My head is blank. Other than the fact that I do have this whole other story in my head that I've been dying to put down but I refuse to just let this one fall flat so I've been holding off on writing the other.

I spent the past few days going through and reading some books on here just trying to get my creative groove moving again but nothing has worked as if yet.

So I thought I would ask the people who grace my little book with their presence, what would you like to see happen? I am open to any and every suggestions as always so feel free to either direct message me or just leave a comment and maybe, just maybe something might spark my interest.

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