Chapter 5: If looks could kill

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*Picture of Zachary Steel*

*We accept the love we think we deserve.*

After what seemed like hours, Emma had completed her masterpiece. I was said masterpiece. She had spent about a little over an hour on getting me presentable. After it was all said and done, I was pretty impressed. Gone was my untamable hair, replaced with about a thousand hair products and with the help of a straightener, it looked really good. She had even went as far as trimming the dead ends off so it wasn't so frizzy. I was most surprised with my face. I had anticipated that she'd apply so much make-up that I would be unrecognizable, but it was the opposite. With just a little bit of eye liner and some mascara my eyes popped and seemed much larger. My lips were coated with a deep red lipstick that made them seem extra lush, but besides that I still looked like me.

The outfit on the other hand was a bit much for me. She had picked out a pair of dark gray skinny jeans with tears in the front and shiny back pockets, topped with a plain white tank-top and a set of black open toed heels with straps in the front.

The only issue was the tank-top. The arm holes were huge. Like large enough you saw side boob and half of my torso.

"Uhh Emma.." I questioned "Maybe I could wear another shirt?" My black sports bra was showing and bless the Moon Goddess was it ugly.

Laughing, she looked me over. "Good grief Lilly." I hatted when she called me that. "The only thing your changing is that awful excuse for a bra. Here" She tossed a piece of black lace at me. "Put this on instead." Sighing, I did as the almighty fashion police commanded and somehow figured out how to wear this thing. It was a tube top of something she called it and while it did look much better than my bra, I was still unsure about it. Noticing my nervousness she just smiled and pushed me out of our door and down the hall. "Shut up, you look great. Let's get going please. We're gonna be late for our reservations!"

As we walked down the stairs I was shocked to see some of the pack members look at me with something other than hate and disgust. The looks in there eyes seemed to hold wonder and question. Did I look that different?

The Alpha, Luna and Zachary were waiting for us by the front door. One smiling and two not. Wanna take a guess which ones weren't?

Anna Marie walked up and smiled, hugging her daughter and placing a hand on my shoulder and said "You two look so grown up. You both have fun but please be careful."

The Alpha, well I guess the old Alpha, looked at me while he spoke. "Don't make me regret sending you off without a guard." I could feel the weight of his threat bearing down on me. "You protect her till your dying breath, understood?" I just nodded. After all these years, I only speak when I have too or when my temper gets the best of me. Which seemed more often than not lately.

"Oh stop drilling us, we know the drill daddy!" She giggled and gave them both hugs once more and started to pull me towards the door. "By Zachary! Don't you and your friends even think about pulling one of your creeper stalker moves like you did last year. We'll ditch y'all again in no time!"

Since he didn't respond, I glanced a look back at him and imediently wish I hadn't. The usual anger and disgust was there but the way he looked at my body up and down had my insides screaming.

Lust. My beast growled.

She hatted him just as much as I did and now even more I thought. Slanting my eyes at him, I started to glare but Emma had tugged me all the way to her red 2014 Kia Optima that she had gotten on a previous birthday and shoved me inside.

Jumping in the driver seat, she bounced with excitement. "Oooohh today is gonna be so much fun! First I have our lunch reserved at this super fancy restaurant my friend was telling me about and then we are gonna do a little shopping at the strip mall. Once it gets dark is when the real fun begins though!" As she drove down our unbelievable long driveway she rambled on. "There is this new hit club two towns over that just opened up last week and it's supposed to be off the hook!" She squealed.

Unable to help myself, I caught on to her giggling and began laughing along with her. "So what happened to the movie and cafe Idea?" I asked.

"Boo! That is no where near the blast we should be having on our eighteenth birthday. I want make this a night to remember!" She cheered.

Little did she know, this would be a night that we would never be able to forget.

*I know this one is a little shorter than the rest have been but have no fear! The next chapter is where the good stuff starts to happen! As always, please comment any and all feedback and don't forget to vote pretty please!*

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