Chapter 26: I Owe You One

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*How beautiful is it to stay silent when someone expects you to be enraged.*

Sleeping in my hound form was more comfortable than I thought it would be. After we said goodnight to Lance, we curled up on the bed next to Emma. I didn't bother trying to shift back into my human form. I was dead on my feet tired.

When I woke up the next morning, I was alone and still in my hound form. There was this annoying clicking sound that woke me up.

Cracking my eyes open, I searched the house for the sound of Emma's heartbeat. After a few moments of silence, I found the sound downstairs somewhere.

I relaxed knowing she was fine and in the house somewhere. Stretching out on the bed, I groaned. I ached all over. Maybe I did push myself a little hard yesterday.

Click, click.

The sound was coming from the widow. Hoping down from the bed, I trotted over to the window and pushed the curtain out of the way with my paw.

Demi. A yip of joy left my lips as I seen him sitting on the window seal. I was so happy to see him. He squawked and continued to tap the glass with his beak.

Okay okay. I tired pushing the window up with my paw but it was lock. Damn. I needed thumbs.

Sighing, I stepped back from the window and focused on my human form. Picturing it in my head, I shifted back. It was a little uncomfortable but not painful this time. It still lift me a little breathless.

Pinching the bridge of my nose, I stood up and unlocked the window. As soon as I had it up, he flew in. Cawing loudly and flying around the room, he knocked a few picture off the wall.

"Demi!" I reprimanded him.

Finally landing on the top of the bed frame, he gave me a look of innocence. "Crazy ass bird."

After searching the room for some clothes, I finally found a pair of shorts and a tank top on the bathroom counter waiting for me. Looking at myself in the mirror, I didn't look too bad. A little bit of dirt covered my face from last night. I thought about taking a shower but my stomach demanded substance. Settling on just washing my face, I changed in to the clothes and brushed my hair.

Good enough for me.

As I exited the bathroom, Demi decided I was going to be his taxi. He swooped down from his post and settled on my shoulder which I quickly shifted to keep from his talons digging into my skin.

Reaching up to pet him, we made our way into the hall. The smell of bacon called my name and we walked towards mouth watering smell. Two lefts, down a flight of stairs and another right later, we ended up in the kitchen.

Emma stood at the stove flipping a pancake while Lance was propped against the table behind her. "So your her potential right?"

Oh goddess Emma.

"Yes I am." Lance answered.

"And what about Knight?" She asked.

"What about him?" I could sense a tone of anger in his voice.

"He's a potential too right?"

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