Chapter 25: Goodnight

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*Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire.*

This time, getting my legs to work came naturally. This was my beast's time, she deserved the freedom she craved. I sat back in our mind but set my eyes on Knight's back and demanded revenge. My body obeyed.

Rolling our shoulders in a feline like motion, we eased any tension buried in our muscles. Completely ignoring Lance, who I think was trying to speak to us, all we could see was red and Knight shone brightly in the haze.

A snarl made it past our lips. How dare he turn his back on us.

His head turned slightly, his eyes gazing over our body. "Pathetic. Such a small weak creature." He spat at us. Like literally turned his head towards us and spat in our direction.

"Knight, enough." Lance commanded while slipping in between us. "Don't push her."

We showed him our teeth and started stalking around the man who smelled so damn good to get to the one who had death written all over him.

Our claws cut deep into the earth with every step, the weight of our body crushing any fallen branches we stepped on. The sound of them snapping beneath us was lost in our growls.

We watched Lance from the corner of our eyes. His stripping momentarily distracting us from our goal. He smiled at us as he tore his shirt from his body and started to remove his pants. Turning our head towards him, the red haze started to fade leaving only the sight of his God like body. My beast purred loudly for everyone to hear as she visually devoured him.

I broke off from her and tried to rein back in some control. This was embarrassing.

I will not complete any bonds tonight. Let me just asses our potential hounds. Her voice asked.

Sighing, I gave her my okay and let her continue. I was soo going to catch hell for this later.

"Hello kitten." Lance's voice was pure seduction. Like taking at bite of the sweetest dark chocolate. I was beyond glad I wasn't on the surface. My blush would have given me away. His eyes lingered on our form. He assessed us as we did him. Standing there in all of his naked glory, he began to partly shift like Knight had done before.

The sound of Knight's annoyed groan reminded us of our mission. Tearing our eyes away Lance, we resumed our stalk. We could stare later.

"Why are you testing her?" I think that was Lance's hound speaking. His voice was different now.

Knight ignored him and flexed his claws, facing me fully. 'Come on girl. Show me what you've got.'

Have it your way.

We launched our body at him, claws fully extended. He easily side stepped at the last moment and we crashed into the ground where he once stood. Whipping our body around with grace I didn't know we possessed, we were at it again but each time we got close he just stepped out of the way.

Laughter echoed from his lips. "Like I said. She's weak, clumsy. A sad excuse for a hound."

This time when we sailed towards him, we twisted our body at the last second. A loud snarl of approval left our lips as we felt our claws connect with skin. We tried to dig in deep, struggling to grab ahold of him. He merely palmed our side with his hand, sending us flying across the air and into the dirt once again.

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