Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: All the characters are the creation of Suzanne Collins and belong solely to her, except for The few characters that I create later on.

Authors Note: This is a sort of alternate ending of my other Clato story "The Story of Us" So if you haven't read the other I suggest you do ;) 


This chapter is dedicated to Always_Real because she has an AMAZING clato story. GO CHECK IT OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- CFF (ClatoForevaFanatic17) 


The cannon booms. Everdeen's body falls to the ground. I turn and hug Cato with all of my strength as Cladius's voice rings out saying, "Ladies and gentlemen, may I present the 74th Hunger Games champions!!" 

Cato whispers in my ear, "We did it Clove. We're going home." I look into his eyes and kiss him. He returns it, wrapping his muscular arms around me.

The interview with Ceasar is shocking. Not only are we the first District to have both tributes to survive, but Ceasar has an immense list of questions concerning our romance in the Games. One question that he asks sticks with me, "How deep is your love?" Cato smiles saying, "Ceasar I can answer that question with another question." Caesar waves his hands guesturing for Cato to continue. Cato grabs my hand and gets off of the loveseat that we are sharing.

He gets down on his knees in front of me and right now I can only see him. "Clove," he begins. "I love you. I can't wait to see you each and every day. Clove. I'm not the greatest guy I know. I've killed so many people, I was a monster both in high school and in the Games. I've always had so many people's expectations riding on my shoulders, but when I look at you, I know that none of that matters. I was never really important to anybody, other than being the potential winner of a Games.

"But, when you and me were in the arena, sometimes you looked at me like I was the best thing of your life, and I felt invincible, strong. You are the thing that got me through the Games. I didn't lose hope when I saw you determined to make it against the odds. I've loved you for a long time, I'm just disappointed I didn't notice it sooner. You are...incredible. I'm so lucky just to know you.

"You are the best woman a man could ever have, you're sweet, strong, loving, you are kind, unselfish, and you make of me a better man, every day. I will never be the perfect man for you but as long as I live I will never ever stop trying. I want... I want to make you happy for the rest of your life, want to love you with everything I am, everything I have. I don't care how old we are, all I know is I love you. And thats all that matters to me. Clove, will you marry me?"

Tears overflow in my eyes, spilling onto my cheeks. I nod vigorously, I am so happy. Too happy for words. Cato stands up and hugs me as the studio erups in major 'Awwwwwwwww's'. After a minute or so, Cato sits next to me. We don't let go of hands. Caesar says, "Well. That answered my question most assuredly."

We finish the interview quickly, Cato is still holding my hand as we go to the elevator. I lead him to my room and close the door behind us. My eyes are overflowing with tears. "Cato.." I begin. He looks down at me as I continue, "Did you really mean that? It wasn't just for show? For the Capital I mean?" He grins. "It could never be for show Clover." Cato says, calling me by my childhood nickname. "I am so ecstatic that you said yes." I grin up at his face. "I wouldn't have it any other way." I stand up on my tiptoes and kiss him.


sooooooooo what do you think??? Continue??? -CFF

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