And Fall

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"Stay in the car." Chris said once we pulled up.

"But Chris--"

"What I say? The bitch is nuts and you not about to put you and the baby in danger, it's already enough Royalty and Layla in there." He said. He got out and I sat in the front seat, now annoyed cause I wanted to make sure they were okay.

I sat there biting my nails, hoping Chris would eventually come out with Royalty and Layla and that Alicia was dead on the living room floor.

Maybe I should call the police. I looked for my phone which should've been on my lap but it must've fell between the seats. I reached through and finally located it. I grabbed it quickly and realized it was on 1%, how convenient. I need to start closing my background apps.

I pressed emergency call, hoping the phone allowed me to dial out without dying. It froze for a second before allowing me to dial out. I pressed call and hoped it didn't die while I was waiting on them to answer.

"911, what's your emergency?" The operator answered.

"There's a br--" beep beep beep the ending sound made in my ear. I took the phone off of my ear as it went black.

Out of all the days I bring my charger with me, today is the day I just didn't bring my charger.

Chris got him a new phone and the charger should be in the box. I reached in the back seat for the bag and got the charger out the box, I got ready to connect the charger to the car charger but I realized it wasn't there, it was gone.

I forgot Chris said he took it out cause it wasn't working and he never got a new one, I guess today just isn't my day. He left the keys in the car so maybe I can drive to the police station-- but then it's at least 30 minutes away and I don't want them to come out and possibly need to get away or something and I'm gone. I debated with my self and decided to just turn the car on to watch the time and sit here for another 20 minutes and if they don't come out by then, then I'll go in, I don't care what Chris said.


Once I got out the car and had made my way to the entrance, she clearly had already got in cause she wasn't right here anymore and the gate was left open. I proceeded to walking to the front door of the house to go in, more than likely seeing her inside. The door had already been open so she was inside of here as well like I had thought. When I got in I had walked around the living room, not being on no scary movie type shit and calling her name or saying "hello." Just walking around, trying to spot her.

"Did you miss me?" I heard her say behind me, and I turned around facing her.

She had on this nappy wig that nobody should ever consider putting on and some baggy clothes.

"Ima call the police on yo ass."

"Why? Did you not miss me? I'm just here to claim what's mine, baby." She had said and stepped closer to me.

"Why are we still going through this? You know I don't want you, you know I got a girl and two kids, why--"

"Two?" Alicia had chuckled while holding her chest.

"Yeah you heard right, now ima try and be nice and just ask you to leave and if you don't want to, I'll be your guest and call the police on your delusional ass."  I said and reached for my phone.

"Well I won't be leaving unless you're coming with me." She said and took a step closer.

"You know you not getting me so why did you really come here?"

"I wanted to get rid of the problems." She said, I kind of figured what she meant.

"You most definitely not about to do that so get the hell out." I said and raised my voice a little.

"I don't know what the hell possessed them to even think of letting you out." I said while I turned my phone on, dialing 911.

"No, you're not about to get rid of me like you got rid of me last time, keeping me away from you for years! You got your way then but you won't get it now, so either you leave with me or you die! Because I won't stand to see you with your fake happy family anymore!" She said snatching my phone from me.

"And by the way, the power of pussy is what got me out early. But, I'm sure you already know what it feels like-- I'm surprised I wasn't the one pregnant instead of that bitch."

I stared at her for a second, this woman is really out of her mind.

I sighed and rolled my eyes, "So are we leaving or what?" I said trying to go along with her plan, already having one of my own.

"Of course." She smiled happy she was getting her way, although I knew she wasn't.

We walked towards the door and the moment Alicia walked in, Maria was opening the door.

"You bitch!" Alicia said grabbing Maria. I pushed Alicia off of her, causing her to fall somewhere.

"You alright?" I asked Maria who had got pushed to the wall.

"Yeah." She panted out of breath.

"Chris!" She said pointing behind me. I turned around and Alicia was coming at me with this big vase. I grabbed her wrists, trying to stop her from hitting me and knocked her to the ground.

I watched them tussle for a second, then Chris finally was able to gain his balance.

"Give me your phone" I said to him once he came towards me.

"She took it." He said back to me. Damn, is it not meant for the police to come?

Chris discussed his next plan with Maria while Alicia was down for a second, being Chris caused her to faint.

"Go get Layla's phone" he had told Maria before turning around.

"Where she go?" Maria said realizing Alicia had gotten up. Their mistake was Chris turning his back on her.

"Well we should go together then cause I don't want her to be around here somewhere and something happen to you." Chris said to Maria and they began walking to where Layla and Royalty were.

They quickly made their way to the closet but right before they made their way inside, Alicia came out of nowhere stopping in front of them.

"There you are." She said and pulled a gun out.

Maria felt a knot in her stomach as she shielded herself behind Chris.

Alicia walked up to Chris and put the gun to his head.

"Chris, move before I kill you right in front of her."

"No." Chris sternly said

"Chris move" Maria said

"I can face her, move." Maria said to him.

Chris moved over slightly now revealing Maria.

"You've been my problem this whole time. I told you I'd be back to get what I want." Alicia said to Maria.

Maria just stared at her not really knowing what to say.

"But you seem to always be in the way."

"If I wasn't in the way he still wouldn't be with you." Maria replied.

"You're lying, he told me himself he would." She replied.

"Get over yourself, he doesn't want to be with you. You're lucky I'm carrying his second child or I'd give you what you're really asking for." Maria said to Alicia. Alicia looked at Maria and put her hand to her chin and turned around, now with her back turned.

She abruptly turned around out of nowhere and fired at least two shots.


I gave Alicia a mouthful and before I knew it, I felt a pain in my chest, causing me to feel faint and fall.

There won't be an update to this story for a while.

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