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" Baby " Chris yelled downstairs

I swear this nigga has the loudest mouth EVER.

I didn't want to yell back because Royalty was sleep onto my chest. She, well we been up all night  because she has a fever and a stuffy nose and she keeps waking up crying. I give her medicine every 6 hours until the fever goes away, as the bottle directs. For her nose, I put nose drops in but she hates it, so much.

" I need to talk to you " Chris said jogging into the room

" About ? "

" Well I been knew about it like a long time ago but I never knew when " he said sitting down onto the end of our bed by my feet.

" Chris, what is it ? " I said getting kind of impatient , not sure of what he was taking so long to spit out.

" I mean, I am a singer and all that, I have to get money for us somehow , I have to entertain my fan base , team breezy ... a- "

" Chris " I stale faced him

" I have to go on tour "

" You have to or you want to ? "

" Both. "

" Now why was that so hard... How soon? "

" Well, the first concert is Thursday "

" Chris , you telling me now, it's fucking Tuesday " I said trying not to yell.

" Shh.. I know, I was really hoping y'all would go along with me "

" As much as I want to baby, I can't. "

" And why not ? "

" She's sick. " I said looking down at Royalty, kissing her ear.

" How about this , since I know she won't be sick for long, hit me up and let me know when she's better and I'll have my manager set you up a flight out to where I'm at , okay? "

" Sounds like a plan. How long is the tour ? "

" 2 months , I wanted to start off slow "

" Okay. That's fine. "
" So you leaving me tomorrow? " I said getting a little sad

" Baby, don't do that. Don't make me start feeling bad, yeah, I'm leaving tomorrow morning cause it'll take some hours getting there and I have to get prepared for my performances. "

" I wish I could leave with you " I said

" I do too " he said kissing my lips and standing up

" I gotta finish packing, majority of my stuff packed I think "

" Aw so you been packing huh? "

" Naw... I just got a suit case packed of a lot of shit in case you put a nigga out "

I smirked , then laughed.

" You bought the house, if anything you'd have to p- "

" Ah " he said putting his hand up

" Stop right there, if anything was to go down and we had to separate, I'd leave. You more than likely gone take our child with you, and ion want my babies out there looking for nowhere to lay they head at. Struggling, none of that. So I just got a ' I'm leaving ' bag packed , you know "

" When you get back off tour , don't pack another one of those damn things " I said rolling my eyes

" Why not ? "

" The fuck you mean why not, we done came this far and over came all that stuff in the past, what ever we get into shouldn't be no worse than what you've already done, we gone work it out. We getting too old for that ' I'm leaving you and never looking back ' shit "

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