" Im Sorry "

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( This chapter is long )

" Get the fuck up " he yelled and pulled me by my arm roughly.

" I know how to get up , let me go " I said snatching from him.

He grabbed my arm back with the same grip and was pushing me towards the door.

" Stop , I don't want to go" I said moving from him and stumbling to the living room.

" So , this who suppose to be your other nigga right ? " Chris said standing over me.

" Chris, she's drunk. She didn't mean it, she was just playing  " I heard Asia say

" I don't give no fuck, let's go " he said yanking me up again and pushing me towards the front door.

" Let me go , damn. " I said as we walked to the car.

Asia and August were on the porch watching us.

" So you think it's okay to come get drunk instead of being at home with yo daughter ? " he said getting in my face

" Excuse me, she was sleep. I wasn't going to stay at home with you while you were on your fucking period. " I said leaning into the car.

" Get the fuck in the car, Maria. We gone figure this shit out when we get home cause you really fucked up. " Chris said shoving me to get to the passenger side door.

" Naw, I'm not coming home with you so you can put your hands on me. I'm tired of that shit, I'm grown as hell. " I said walking towards the porch.

He then yanked me back with more force than at first.

" I said lets go " he said through gritted teeth.

" And I said I'm not going with you " I said pushing him with force, making him fall back onto the grass. I was surprised I could do that being I'm drunk.

As he re cooperated or whatever he was doing, I made my way into Asia's kitchen and grabbed a knife.

" Maria, put that down. " Asia said taking it from me.

" Nooo " I said as I started crying.

" He wants me to come home so he can push me around, abuse me and tell me why I shouldn't have been doing this. I'm tired of this, I'm so tired of it. " I said crying into her chest as she eased the knife out of my hand.

" He's suppose to be the man I'm in love with instead he's a night mare " I said as I continued crying.

Just then, I seen Chris storming back in, coming towards me.

Asia didn't move though, she still attempted to guard me with her chest.

" Asia, move man. " Chris said

" No, you not about to touch her " she said not moving

He then found the strength to push her back

" Aye , bro I'm trying to stay out the business between you and your girl but don't be touching my sister bro " August said

" The fuck you gone do bitch nigga ? " Chris said turning towards August.

August started saying something but Liam and Asia was pushing him into another room.

Chris turned back to me, and pushed me to the refrigerator as he choked me against it.

" Maria, either you gone come home now or get yo ass whooped here. Either way it go, I told yo ass stop fucking playing with me " he said tightening his grip.

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