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Chris was just getting back to the hotel and Layla was sitting in the front of their hotel room where there was a couch, looking at Power on the tv.

Once Chris walked in, Layla startled him.
" Wh-what you doing up? " he asked

" I'm looking at tv, the tv in my room at home is acting stupid so I thought why not look at it here."

" I'll see what's wrong when we get back tomorrow. " Chris said and walked towards the bathroom.

" Did you have fun? " Layla asked before he reached the bathroom.

" Where? " he turned around paranoid.

" The party " she laughed

" Aw, yeah. "
" Why you leave so early? Usually you would've
stayed there till like 4 or 5 in the morning, it's only 1 something. "

" I wanted to check on Maria... she said she wasn't feeling good. " he replied

" No, she said Royalty wasn't feeling good. "

" Aw.. damn. " he replied and quickly went into the bathroom and took off his shirt.

He peeked his head in the room before he was fully unclothed to see Maria was asleep with Royalty right next to her sleep as well.

He proceeded to taking a shower and thought throughout the whole time.

" How I end up doing this shit... again? " he talked aloud to himself while he showered.

He tried to convince himself so many times that it didn't happen, that he wasn't that drunk to let it happen again but when it all came down to it-- it happened.

He wanted to go tell Maria how sorry he was and how he didn't want for it to happen again or for him to go along with it but so many voices in his head was telling him to not speak on it, to her or Layla. Why say something now and stress her and her pregnancy out even more and not be together near the delivery just like the last one.

" Maybe I'll tell her after. " he said aloud once again as he scrubbed his body, hoping to wash away the memories and what had happened at the club but unfortunately nothing was helping.

Layla POV ( HER FIRST POV ... Wow 😭 )

I was just finishing up the last of this episode and about to continue on to the next one but I needed some more snacks so I thought to let Chris know before I went out to the lobby, I had to let Maria know earlier but she's asleep so.. of course Chris was who I had to go to.

" Chris " I said, seeing him sitting on my bed.

He looked up from having his head in his hands.

" Whats wrong ? " I asked, worried about the look on his face.

" Nothing nothing, wassup? "
" I'm going to the lobby to go get some snacks or something before I finish looking at TV. " I said

" Wait, get me uh... " he said and reached in his pocket.

" Never mind, I'll just come with you. " he said and stood, grabbing the key card off the dresser.

He walked with his hands in his pocket and his head down the whole time.

" You okay? " I said, realizing he wasn't making jokes or asking hella questions like he usually would be.

" Yeah, I'm good. " he said and grabbed some chips and a drink from the stand.

" We've been cousins for damn near forever, I grew up with you.. I know when there's something wrong with you. " I said and pulled him to the side by his shoulder.

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