LA Here We Come

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Saturday Morning

I walked up the steps of Asia's house and knocked on the door. She didn't answer from the first few knocks so I knocked again, still no answer.

' Dialing Asia ♥️🔐 '

She picked up after the fourth ring

" Bitches better be calling me for a good ass reason " she said sounding groggy

" Open the door asshole " I said as my hip and arm started hurting from Royalty's weight onto it.

" Aight " she said hanging up

3 minutes later, she opened up, looking like she was never sleep

" Oh my god, look how big Auntie's baby got " she said taking Royalty from my arm.

" Were you even sleep ? You put a whole face on before answering the door " I said as she moved to the side, letting me in

" You're so dramatic, all I did was brush my teeth, wash my face, do my eyebrows, and put some carmex and lotion on "

" Well damn that's a lot for someone whose just answering the door "

She rolled her eyes at me and started to talk to Royalty

" Have as much fun as you need with her because we're leaving soon "

" And where the f- hell are y'all going ? " she said obviously cautious of her language

" Tour with Chris.. For two months "

" BI- " she cut herself off

" Hold on " she said sitting Royalty on the couch and going to her closet

She came back out with some big ass ear muffs  and put them over Royalty's ears and gave her her phone to play with.

I looked at her like she was out of her mind for a second,

" It was frustrating when I couldn't cuss... , but anyways, bitch you wait to tell me now that you're going on tour and I'm going to be 2 months without you or my niece "

" When you leaving ? " she followed behind

" I don't know, Chris ain't tell me yet but I know it's gone be soon , he gone already but his manager gone set our flight and all that up "

I looked at Asia mugging me, " If your daughter wasn't in here , I'd beat your ass " She said rolling her eyes and taking the earmuffs off Ro.

She looked at me then Royalty with a sad face expression, " Ima miss y'alllll " she said bursting into tears.

" Oh my god and you call me dramatic " I said getting up taking her into a hug.

We eventually went out for lunch and the rest of the day at her house, laughing and then some.

I'm going to miss my best friend, too.

" Are y'all going to come tell me bye before you go? " she asked before I and Royalty left out.

" Of course. But instead of saying bye, we're coming to say see you later , bye is forever. " I smiled before walking off the porch
Sunday Afternoon

" I booked your flight for tomorrow morning at 8:30. So you got to get your heavy sleeping ass up at 6. "  Chris said in to the phone

" Why 6 instead of 7? " I asked, not really looking forward to getting up real early

" Because, you always got to do some extra shit. And, you ain't gone be fully awake when you do wake up, you gone sit on the bed for 30 minutes before actually getting up to get yourself ready, so I'm giving you more than enough time to wake you and Ro up and get y'all selves prepared. The driver will be there at 7:30 since the airport not far"

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