Family Time

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" Royalty , let mommy get you dressed " I was already sore as fuck, Chris literally worn me out.

I started tickling her and she just laughed and laughed.

Finally she sat still for me to get her half dressed.

Then up came Chris from downstairs, going past Royalty's room.

" You look cute " I smiled as he walked by

" Thanks. " he said coming in minutes later and giving me a kiss on the forehead

" And babe, it's not cute it's fine , I'm a guy " he chuckled

" Tomatoe , Tomato " I said rolling my eyes

After putting on all her clothes , including her shoes, I went to my room to do her hair.

" Don't move " I told her, as I turned to look for her head band In the dresser next to me.

I turned back around to put the head band on,

" Oh my god , Ahhhh " I screeched , literally

Royalty was taking steps on her own

Chris then ran into the room , confused

" Look! Look!  My baby can walk ! " I jumped up and down with joy

He took out his phone to record her while she was walking to him.

" Chris send me the video " I said as Royalty sat on the floor

I picked her up as Chris sent me the video. I sent it to August, my mom and Asia.

" Chris, do you mind watching her so I can go put my clothes on? "

I already showered, I just had to get her dressed first before she started playing and getting real hyper and it'd be so much trouble getting her dressed.

" Go ahead " he said taking her from my arms and talking to her.

I quickly went into the room and put on some ripped jeans, one of my favorite pairs of shoes, my white Pumas and a white spaghetti strap.

" What am I going to do to my hair ? " I said aloud to my self .. I didn't wanna wear it all curly and out, it's too hot for that.

I finally came to the conclusion of something less hot, two braids.

I quickly did those and headed to my make up room.

Yes, I have one of those. 🙄 Chris said he didn't want all that make up in our room, it'd make him feel weird. I can remember the exact conversation actually,

" Ok, so where would my make up go? " I said walking in our room, wheeling a whole storage ben of it.

" How much you got ? "

I pulled the storage ben forward

" Aw .. " he paused

" Aw Hell naw, that ain't going in here "

I couldn't help but laugh

" Why not ? " I whined

" Because, that shit would make me feel weird as fuck, having a room with a whole lot of make up in it. Naw, I got a room for that. I'm not about to feel gay " he said with a serious face expression

He took the storage ben and began rolling it towards the room.

" Naw, you get it. It's already making me feel some type of way. " I laughed and followed behind him into the room.

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