Always chapter 19

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Hello joshippers. Holy friggin crap 5k. That's freaking insane. Thank you so much. I can't get over the fact that FIVE THOUSAND people read this. But enough of me. Here's chapter 19.

Always. Over and over again, I think it. I will always love Jen. I will always protect her. Silently I hope she gets this message. Always, Jen. I will stay with you, always.

"Always." My eyes, red from crying and squeezed shut, pop open.

There's only one person's mouth that word could have come from. Josh Hutcherson. But how? I look at him. He shows no signs of life, other than his chest weakly rising up and down. But it's moving, without the help of a machine. He's breathing. I cannot even describe how much joy I feel right now. I look at the doctor. "I told you he would pull through." I say, slightly smugly but mostly just happily. The doctor doesn't say a word, just looks back to me, then to Josh, then to me again. With a slight nod, it's confirmed. He is alive.

One week later...

It's been a week since the miracle. Josh has regained consciousness and is finally well enough to have guests again. The doctor calls me in.

I run in and embrace Josh. No words are spoken, but we both know that the past is the past, and we need to live in the moment.

Finally, Josh speaks. "Can we start over?"

I nod.

Josh says, "Hi. My name is Joshua Ryan Hutcherson, but you can call me Josh. And I am in love with a beautiful girl named Jennifer Shrader Lawrence. My Jen."

I continue. "I am Jennifer Shrader Lawrence, but everyone calls me Jen. I'm an actress, and about to start filming Catching Fire with a guy named Josh Hutcherson. He also happens to be the love of my life, and we will stay together, always."

Then I lean in, and we kiss.

We will learn to make our way from now. This is a new beginning.

Josh has fully recovered, so Francis (our new director, for catching fire) has "ordered" filming to start. My hair is brown, Josh's is blond, but we're still the same inside. Life on set is amazing and... eventful. Josh and Sam's bromance is going strong and recently, I took Woody to McDonalds. Not a good idea. One thing you should know about him is that he's a vegan. I think he had an allergic reaction to all that DELICIOUS FOOD, and we barely got up to the drive thru before he forced us to turn around. He was pretty pissed, but I was hungry.

"Hey Jeny" Josh says. I want to make out, or even hug, but there are cameras everywhere, and we have decided to keep our "always" private for the time being. Instead, I quietly whisper "I love you" and pull him off to my trailer.

mkay bye.

Always: JoshiferWhere stories live. Discover now