Always chapter 8

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If you read this please vote or comment so I know you're not there and I'm not hallucinating


Nick is here. My ex. Why? We broke up because of him cheating shouldn't he be over me?

And then he gets down on one knee.

I feel Josh's grip on my hand tighten. I squeeze back reassuringly.

"Jen, will you marry me?" Nick says. I can't even describe my emotions. "WHAT THE HELL NICK YOU CHEATED ON ME. YOU CAN'T JUST ASK SOMEONE TO MARRY THEM AND EXPECT A GOOD ANSWER. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU??" I scream. God. What an asshole.

"Why not? I'm hot and rich. What more do you need?" asks that sorry excuse for a person, Nick.

"She needs someone who cares about her and will stay with her no matter what." Josh chimes in. I look up at him gratefully.

"Seriously Jennifer? Him?" Nick says scornfully. "I thought you were better than that. By now Josh's knuckles are white from gripping my hand.

"He is a million times better than you will ever be. Josh would never stoop so low as to cheat on me." I say and stalk off with Josh. For good measure I kiss Josh and when I pull away I stare into his eyes. "Always" I say. "Always" he replies.

Then I look over and see the hundred paparazzi taking photos. Of Josh and I. And Nick FREAKING ASKING TO MARRY ME. Why can nothing stay good in my life? God this is horrible. I have to get out of here. I let go of Josh, don't even bother to take my suitcase and break into a dead run out of the airport. All I have is my wallet, a pack of gum and my phone. I quickly hail a cab and leave, leave Nick and drama and Josh and paparazzi and fame and everything. This is my escape.

I feel Jen slip out of my hand. I'm pretty sure she just wants to get away from the paps so I head in her direction, but slowly and hazed. I turn to tell her that the paps are clearing out.

"Hey Jen, the paparazzi are leaving do you want t-" I stop in mid-sentence. Jen is gone. I scan the airport but can't find anything. Then I hit a break (A/N is that even an expression?) I see Jen speeding away in a cab. I have no idea where she's headed and both she and I are in a foreign city where we barely speak the language.

Anything could happen to my Jen.

Have hope, Josh. I tell myself. She left, but she told me always.

This was supposed to be a cliffhanger god I need to work on my cliffhangeringnessthingy.
Anyways I'm in double period art right now and my friends are totally ignoring me god it's the worst. Ah well my friend P***** is great but she's in another class 😢
She helped me do the cover she's the best (A/N from two years later: she was aight but not great)/

Always: JoshiferWhere stories live. Discover now