Always chapter 4

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2 weeks later....

Omfg. I can't believe it. I'm going to Paris. Except one part's missing. My boyfriend. But he's not my boyfriend. He cheated on me. We broke up.
Suddenly memories come flooding back, like a dam just broke.

Why aren't you paying attention to me? Nick? Nick? He was always on his phone, texting someone. Then once I went to his house. It smelled like perfume and sex. But we hadn't had sex at his house in a month. Him saying he was busy whenever I wasn't. Never answering my questions directly. And then that day. I walked into his house and smelled that weird scent. Something seemed off. I walked into his room and he was with Vanessa... "it's not what it looks like" he said. Then I said "we're done." I will never make a mistake like that again.

"Jen? Are you alright? Did you hear what I said? You seem a little... off. " Josh sounds concerned.
"No I'm fine... just thinking of that day"

I of course know what she's talking about. Her breakup. Nick. Jealousy and hatred burn inside me as I reply. I try to take my mind off it as we get to the airport. The airport is a total mess. So far almost 10 flights have been delayed and everyone looks too tired and grumpy to give a shit about anything. That's a good sign for Jennifer and I. Ever since the hunger games movie was released everyone knows everything we do. Not fun, I must say.

Jennifer pipes up. "Now that the spotlight is off us what d'ya say we have some fun? We have five hours until our flight." She glares at me
"You can never be too prepared" I protest, even though I know it's useless. Jen will be right in the end.
"Let's go to a shop to pass time", I say and she agrees.

First, we try on purses at a luggage store. We look bizarre but don't really care. Then we go get snacks at a kiosk.
As we walk we pass a bookstore with magazines in the window. And of course, they're gossip mags. They always seem to be about my or other celebrities' personal lives, and it's just not cool to let the whole world know what kind of tampon Angelina Jolie uses.

"Oh... Crap." Is my reaction to the cover of some of the mags.
"Joshifer finally real?! Exclusive inside", reads one and
"Jen with Josh 2 hours after she breaks up with Nick!!" reads another.
This is not good. Now the whole world thinks we are a couple and Jen isnt a good person because 2 hours after breaking up with Nick she turned to me for comfort.
I really don't want Jen to see this. She'll freak out and she has enough pressure on her already.

Short chapter but it's 11:15 don't blame me

Always: JoshiferWhere stories live. Discover now