Always chapter 6

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I am a total procrastinator sorry I didn't update earlier blah

As soon as I say "you can trust me" Jen cries "I can't do this right now. I'm a mess. I have way too many conflicting emotions. I'm sorry Joshy" and gets up, walking quickly to what looks like the bathroom.

For a moment I don't do anything, just sit there stunned. What just happened?
Panic starts to set in. Our flight boards in 20 minutes. And. And. I think I like Jen. A lot. Definitely a lot more than she likes me. What the hell am I supposed to do?

I guess I should go look for Jen. God, I have absolutely no motivation though. "Put your feelings aside" I try to reassure myself. It fails.

I head in the direction that Jen ran to. There's a bathroom near there, so without thinking at all (aren't I just the smartest) I walk RIGHT INTO THE WOMENS BATHROOM. W H O O PS. My nerves must be rocketing sky-high, I just walked into a random bathroom with who knows what going on. I'm pretty sure that's a federal offence.

Luckily, there is no one who can see me. In fact, there's only one person, crying in a stall. That has to be Jen.

"Jen?" I whisper. I hope she doesn't hate me too much. "Jen are you okay?"
(A/N this kinda reminds me of Harry Potter the first book where Hermione's in the bathroom crying then a troll comes and Harry and Ron go to the bathroom to help her)

She opens the door, sniffling. "Joshy? You came back?" She sounds surprised.

"Of course I did. You are my best friend."

There it is again. The "best friend" I think in a sarcastic tone.

"Uh Jen?" Oh god. Josh sounds really uncomfortable. What is that (hot) boy thinking? And then the worst moment.
"You said that out loud again."
"Everything." He confirms. "I can tell something's wrong. I don't want things to be bad between us like they are right now."

What can I say? Everything is going wrong today.

I look him straight in the eyes. "Josh, if I tell you it will make things even worse. Maybe forever."

"Don't say that" he tries to stop me from totally collapsing. "You can tell me, and we'll sort it out."

I take a deep breath.
"Josh, I... I... I think I like you. I have been denying it for a long time, from back, even before I was dating Nick. But we are best friends and I didn't want to ruin our friendship. I'm so sorry Josh. You can-" I am cut off by his lips pressing against mine. His baby soft, perfectly formed lips. This is pretty great.

"That was the nicest way to tell me to shut up" I smile.

(A/N see what I did there #meangirlsforever)

"Jennifer Lawrence would you let me have the honour of being your boyfriend?" Josh asks with a dreamy smile. "I have always liked you too and I am so, so glad that I'm here with you right now."

"Of course" There's no containing my smile. I am Joshua Ryan Hutcherson's girlfriend. And I love it.

I stare into his eyes and fall into his arms. His muscular body wraps around me his lips start to press onto mine. This is most definitely love.

I pull away from the kiss.

"Stay with me?"

"Always." Says my beautiful Josh.
The moment is completely ruined when I realize we're standing in a stall in the women's bathroom and our plane is probably going to leave without us, but we both crack up over this fact. Maybe that's what makes our relationship good. I have a feeling it's gonna be about 10% romantic, 30% awkward moments, and 60% bad puns, and I love that about it. KJ

You like? Lol I hope. I tried guys. This chapter is dedicated to @raywhite012 because she wanted me to update... so @raywhite012 here it is :)

Always: JoshiferWhere stories live. Discover now