Always chapter 17

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So youtube and I had a fight this afternoon. She said she couldn't load and there was an error, that's why she couldn't hang out with me today but I KNOW she was secretly hooking up at a party.

So it 11 pm and I literally just woke up like I just sat up and went i need to write a chapter even though I have to get up early tomorrow and this is really not good for my health.

I wake up the next morning feeling miserable. I can't have a kid. I don't have the time. Maybe in the future, but not now. I call Claudia over. For some reason, I know I can trust her a lot. "Claudia," I say, and take a deep breath. "I think I'm going to have an abortion."

Thankfully, she reacts positively, telling me she supports my choice to do with my body what I wish. With her help, I schedule the appointment.

*A week later*
I exhale, crying slightly, but only feeling mainly relief. I am confident that having an abortion was a responsible decision—I'm just not ready to have a kid career-wise or emotionally.

Claudia walks in. Thank god, a friend.

"Hey Jen, how are you feeling?" she asks

"I'm fine" I answer. "I'm sure that at this point, this was the right decision."

"I agree. You know, I don't think I'd ever want to have an abortion but I don't want to restrict you from doing what you feel is best, so know that I will support you in that" She replies. "Do you want me to call the doctor back in and see how you're doing?"

"Sure" I respond.

"Alright, I have to leave, I'm going on a family trip. I wish I could be here though" Claudia says.

"I'm so thankful. I don't know what I would have done without you." I really mean it.

"Can I take a walk to clear my head?" I ask the doctor once she comes back in. Luckily she replies with an "of course. Just be sure to be back in an half an hour for a checkpoint before you head out—we just need to make sure you're doing okay emotionally. Other than that and not leaving the hospital you can do whatever you feel up to doing."

I start to walk around. I look around. The hospital is all based around an atrium, with all the hallways surrounding a large open space that extends the whole way up the building. I decide to take the elevator up to a random floor and look around as I have nothing to do. I move my hand around and my finger lands on 9, two floors up from where I am now. The doors open, and I soon see it's urgent care. I really don't think I should be up here but maybe I'll see someone who's a fan and help brighten up their not-so-good day. I traverse the corridor and once I turn a corner I hear some slightly frantic shouting so I back out of the way. A team of doctors come rushing through with someone on a gurney who looks almost dead. The person's face is battered and bruised but I clearly recognize it. The person is my best friend, lover and as of late deserter. Josh Hutcherson and I have crossed paths yet again.

Always: JoshiferWhere stories live. Discover now