Always chapter 16

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So food and I went on a date last night and guess who showed up? WIFI. He found out that I was cheating on food with him. Food broke up with me but we got back together right away because I can't live without him. I don't care how he feels soon he'll be a part of me anyways. It didn't go so well with wifi. His bill went up and my parents got annoyed. But wifi wanted me back, so I took him.

This has been semicolon's update adventures in AntiSocialLand!

Josh's lips press onto mine. I want to feel glad that I'm with Josh again but something in the back of my mind tells me no. I think that there was something between Josh and Jen, and I shouldn't disrupt that. Jen is the reason I broke up with Josh. Not because Jen was spending too much too much time with Josh, the exact opposite in fact. Josh and Jen have great chemistry and Jen makes Josh truly happy. I ended the relationship to start theirs, but Josh went and started dating Vanessa again and Jen went off with Nicholas. Now they were starting to make a relationship happen (at least from what I can see in paparazzi pictures) and I've ruined it. When I realize this I pull away from the kiss. "Josh, I can't do this." I say and he looks confused so I continue.
"I saw you with Jen, and I know that together you can create something beautiful." I try to continue but Josh interrupts me. "We already have created something."
"Well yes, you were a couple but I don't know why you would say that, I already know it." I question him.
"That's not what I mean" he replies and instantly I know what has happened. Jen is carrying Josh's baby.
"Josh, I am truly sorry. I will stay a friend but I will never be happy dating you. You and Jen are different. Around each other you seem happy with your life. Not with me." With that I walk away without waiting to see Josh's reaction. I know where I'm going, and I'm going to get there as fast as I can.

I hear a knock at the door and I don't want to answer. This is the worst day of my life. No one will make me happy. If it weren't for the baby I would really and truly be contemplating suicide. Another knock comes along with a female voice yelling "Jen. Please come out, I'm so sorry about what has happened to you. I know that you need a friend right now, can I be that one?"
Unwillingly I open the door. Great. It's Claudia, Josh's old girlfriend. Just what I need.

Claudia says "I know everything and I've made a huge mistake. I let Josh kiss me but I told him no and ran over here. I'm so sorry and I regret it so much. Will you forgive me and let me help you?"

My brain says no, don't trust anyone that dated Josh but my heart is telling me yes, she is trustworthy.

"Yes, I forgive you. Right now I need some time alone, just to think about the future."

"Thank you so much. If you need anything give me a call, okay?" I nod and Claudia leaves.

Claudia just walked out and I was a total jackass to Jen, who is pregnant with MY child. Why do I have the worst luck in the world? I can't do anything right, and most importantly I've fucked up with the girl I love.

I get into my car and drive. It starts raining as I'm driving down the highway but it's really just a drizzle. The rain get heavier and heavier as day turns to night. The road is really slippery and my view is foggy and unclear, just like my mind right now.

The last thing I see is a car's headlights speeding towards me and the front of my windshield. Then everything goes dark and I think it's all over.

Always: JoshiferWhere stories live. Discover now