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"@shawnmendes:hi hun! just saw the video of you. I hope you're ok because I saw you black out. Can't wait to meet you in person. Take care ✌🏻"

"What?" said Ayla curiously.
"He just sent me a dm message."
"What did you just say?!"
"I think I'm gonna black out again." I said feeling dizzy.
"Hey hey hey sit down let me see it."
I hand her my phone and she starts reading it out loud.
I started crying. Yes again. Why am I so emotional.

"We need to respond to it girl."
"Excuse me?" I said still in shock.
"We need to respond to his dm." said Ayla.
"Sure but what am I supposed to say or write or think. I can't even think properly and I don't know what to do and I am so confused like what if this is a dream more spesificly a nightmare and like I'm gonna wake up amd realize it was all just a dream an-"
"Hey breathe!" said Ayla.

The room started spining and the walls were coming over us. I think I'm having a panic attack?
I tried to propper my breathing but it wasn't working. What's happening to me? Ayla ran to my mom's room to call her over. I was still breathing heavily. My mom came in and started talking to me but my vision started to become blurry and the last thing I remember was my mum trying to keep me awake.

How can a human being do all these to me.
How can Shawn fucking Mendes give me all these emotions.
Is that even possible?

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