Adym: Do you need any help getting into your room or are you good?

I look at Adym nervous, "can you come with me?"

Adym nods, "yeah, let's go."

Adym reaches for the door and quietly opens it. I'm so glad my parents never got the security deal where it announces when something's open. Adym peaks in the door and doesn't see anyone in the living room, or the office. We open the door just enough for Adym and I to slip in. Turning around, Adym shuts the door and we quietly walk to the stairs. Suddenly I hear my dad stand up and walk to the closet next to the stairs. I poke Adym, making him turn and look at me. Panicking I grab his arm and we bend down and quickly run to the office and hide behind the desk. We sit down and listen. From what it sounds like, my dad is opening the closet door and grabbing something. I peek my head over the desk and I see my dad's shadow putting his jacket on. 

My dad puts on his jacket and i hear him murmur, "Now where is my brief case?"

Looking to my right, I see my dad's briefcase. Oh my god, crap! I tap Adym and point to the brief case. 

Adym's eyes get wide and he mouths the words, "What do we do?!"

Suddenly, I hear my two dogs Riley and Stitch coming down the stairs. NOOO!!! They'll find me!!! Now I hear their claws against the hardwood floor, they're walking towards the office!! NOOO!! Starting to panic, I look around for something to distract them..

 NOOO!!! They'll find me!!! Now I hear their claws against the hardwood floor, they're walking towards the office!! NOOO!! Starting to panic, I look around for something to distract them

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Stitch (6 months)

Stitch (6 months)

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Riley (1 year)

My eyes lock on Riley and Stitches favorite stuffed pig. Quickly, I grab it and get ready to throw it.

Adym looks at me and whispers, "What are you doing?!"

I look at him and whisper, "Riley and stitch are coming! I gotta throw it and hope they get distracted so we can run"

Adym looks at me, "Sky, it won't hold them off long"

Skylar: Well, we can run to the living room and hide their so my dad doesn't find us!

Suddenly, the dogs walk in and I jump behind the desk. I throw the toy towards the kitchen, praying Stitch follows Riley and goes for it. Stitch is still really young and we're still working on training him. Stitch gets easily excited because he's still young, sometimes he barks so if he barks I'm hoping if he does he'll listen if I tell him no. Peaking over the desk, I see the dogs run for the toy. Reaching for Adym, we poke our heads out the door and I see my dad smiling as he watches the dog.

I look at Adym and whisper, "Let's  go!"

Adym and I quickly run to the living room and watch my dad go to the kitchen to feed them. Adym and I take our chance and run up the stairs. 

Smiling, I whisper, "We made it"

We get halfway up the stairs when my parents door suddenly opens and my mom steps out, turning around to close the door I look at Adym and we run back downstairs.

My mom comes downstairs and says hi to my dad. They talk as they pet the dogs. Finally, they turn around and Adym and I sprint up the stairs. We're right next to the hallway bathroom when Nick's door opens..

To be continued...

Sup babes, how do you like the chapter so far?? Good? Bad? 

Sup babes, how do you like the chapter so far?? Good? Bad? 

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I can't get over his memes lmao

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