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Asgore stands tall, but is still nervous.

"Please, child. We have had no company since the last fallen child. Won't you stay?"

You hit him. He still stands.


You hit him again. It still does not do much damage.

You pretend to spare him.

"Heh. I knew you could child. Come, let us stay for a while. We can play games, read books, have good laughs..."

You strike. He falls.


How could you?

After everything we did..."

Asgore has been slain. He turns to dust. Behind him, Toriel sees. She is shocked.

"You... killed... him..."

You are emotionless.

"I will make you pay for your sins!"

The battle continues.

Toriel starts out with an incredibly strong attack. You lose half health. Good thing there's a ton of monsters in the ruins, so you could level up quickly.

Toriel mentions her friends beyond the door. You do not care.

Your health was lowered to 2 hp. No matter, you eat some Vegatoid and regain full health.

Toriel mentions the king. She mentions her son shortly after.

You do not feel any pity.

Toriel mentions the future of monster kind.

That's exactly your plan.

Toriel's health is almost empty. She grows weaker.

Your aim grows stronger.

Finally, after a long battle, she spares you, just when her health is at the lowest. You eat Vegatoid's cousin. She still spares you. You end her life.

Congratulations. You killed your own mom and dad. You made an orphan today.

Silence echos throughout the ruins. You turn back to hear the sound of silence. Good. You move on to Snowdin.

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