"Era, no! She wants you herself, but that won't be for awhile. Right now, I want you and I want what you gave me out there, in the throne room," Lily's voice was husky and her nails raked down Syra's spine, sending a shiver of disgust following.

Zelina what?!

Oh fück no!

Syra kept her frantic thoughts to herself, but asked Lily, "And if I chose not to pleasure you?"

Lily giggled, a sound that was sweet, but had such menace it was a complete contradiction.

"If you refuse I'll run to Zelina and tell her you violated me without her permission and she'll have you kept locked up and Sebastian, well.."

Lily's 'well' told of many horrid things and Syra grunted in understanding.

"Now then, taste me."

Syra sank to her knees wishing it were Sebastian she would taste.


Face slick with Lily's juices, Syra flicked her tongue inside her for a final time as the alabaster finally came apart, crying out, "Oh yesss!" and making Syra's face even wetter.

She didn't lick away the cúm. In fact, Syra all but tore herself away from Lily like she'd been poisoned and it was now taking hold of her heart, killing it's once steady beat.

Lily laid panting heavily on the floor as Syra rose, wiping at her face disgustedly yet she had to fight not to shiver in delight through the whole process because she had drowned in waves of life again, almost like Sebastian, but just not the same.

It would never be the same, not now that she loved.

Syra cocked her head, listening deeply and found Lily's breathing steady and slow -- fast asleep.

Syra took that as her sign to slip away, rushing out as fast as she could once she'd found the door.

She had partially expected Roy to be waiting on the otherside, but only an empty hall greeted her instead..

Shivering as the waves of life died down and Lily's arousal tsunami faded away, Syra made her way through the halls at lightening speed, wanting nothing more than to reach Sebastian again.

But luck just didn't seem to be on her side as she rammed herself into a warm body.

"I-I--" She stuttered, but stopped when she noticed this face was unfamiliar.

The angel before her wasn't beautiful by any means and as he continued to stare at Syra with his one eye and scarred face, a grin broke out. A grin that suggested he would do vile things to her, things she had once needed to survive, but she was more than full of life now. She was so full that in the Abyss she could've chosen to have sex, wanted to have it, but she knew with Tall, Ugly and Menacing she'd be forced.

Syra went to turn and run, but Scar Face snagged her wrist and began hauling her to what Syra noticed was just a meager dark corner.

"Knees," was the guttural command Scar Face shot out, pushing down roughly on her shoulders so her knees cracked against the tile floor.

A whimper shot out of her, as his slimy arousal slapped against her body angrily.

Scar Face flicked his massive meaty hands out and squeezed Syra's breasts painfully hard. She almost howled in pain, but a sudden slap across her face shocked her into silence and brought pained tears to her eyes.

She had instinctively cringed back and Scar Face wrenched her arms away from her chest and ripped her night gown down, exposing her breasts.

"Please," Syra pleaded, a new feeling of desperateness swirling in her gut.

Scar Face's awful grin only increased and he yanked down his pants, exposing his thick côck. Syra had shrunk away again and she recieved another cracking slap, making her arms drop.

While her arms had dropped Scar Face grabbed her breasts in a vice grip, pushing them together painfully and rammed his côck between the tight cleavage.

Syra cried out in pain at his grip, the côck he rammed painfully against her breasts and hit her chin.

Scar Face only grunted at her cries and thrust even faster, beginning to bruise the tender flesh of her breasts with his cöck and hands.

Syra felt like she was enduring his painful battering for hours, years, ages when suddenly just as Scar Face spurted his awful, thick cúm all over her, he was jerked away.

Syra's eyes popped open and she stared in relief and immediate gratitude as Sebastian's blazing jade eyes scoured her and spotted her injuries. He gripped Scar Face around his neck and with a growl, he gripped both arms, pulled them straight back, yanked and with a sharp crack! the ugly angel's arms broke.

Sebastain had muffled his cry and when he'd passed out from pain, dropped him.

He rushed to Syra, tore away his shirt and wiped away the angel's hideous cúm and scooped her up.

Syra whimpered, feeling the aching in her breasts and Sebastian hissed out a hateful breath.

"I'm so sorry, love. This has to stop. I can't keep letting them take you away and abuse you, dammit. You are mine!" He growled and the vibrations made Syra smile with the warmth feeling in the pit of her stomach.

Love. She loved this man, this alabaster, this sub-angel .

But telling Zelina that would be a death wish. Luckily for them they already had one from Dante and Syra was sure he'd find them and get to them even in Era.

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