Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Monday Morning

Sitting in my office on the 15th floor I was looking through ideas for the coming up presentation when I got a text message

                 Found you......... unknown number

I dropped my papers that I had in my hand. Please don't tell me its Adam


                Who the h... Adam is?

Who are you?

      You are joking right?


     You are killing me princess. Its me David

Sorry, which David?

(Its can't be the David I am thinking right? He wouldn't want to talk to me, plus he never called me princess)

   Ouch, I am hurt. I hoped I will be the only David in your life

So who are you.

(It can be that playboy David from first floor, who always flirts with ll the girls)

  David Anderson, your old school friend.

(Can someone kill me now. He can't be just texting me.....)

Hi David. Sorry, I didn't expect you to text me

Why? You don't want to talk to me?

No, not that. I thought Annabel will call or text me

Oh, right I forgot you guys were friends in High School

(More like friend enemies)


I wanted to ask you if you are hungry

Kinda, its almost lunch time

Good, meet me down stares 10 min

(It can't be true no way. My eyes are lying to me, I checked the message again, then the rime, grabbed my bad and went down stares)

When elevator opened up on the first floor I saw David standing in the hall wearing business suit. It looked so good on him like he was an Abercrombie model.

I walked up to him and said "Hi"

He turned around with his famous smile

"Hey." He looked at me like he couldn't believe it was me. I know I changed my hair style but my face was the same.

'You look so gorgeous" couldn't take eyes off of me

"Thanks, so do you." He started laughing

"Okay, lets go I am hungry"

"Where are we going?"

"Found this little restrain down the road, the food over there is the best"

"Sounds good"

We took a walk to the restaurant. He was telling me about his new job, how much he loves it. I ma really happy for him, he is a great guy.

We made an order and then he looked at his phone and said

"Annabel is coming in few"

My smile was gone. I really don't want to see her. Why she had to move here

"Thats great" nooooooooooo

Few minutes later Annabel walked in wearing summer dress and super high heals like she wasn't tall enough. Comparing to her I looked like a cockroach even with my beautiful hair

"Hi, hope I am not late"

David got up from his chair and let her sit down.

"You will never be late babe" and kissed her

I think I will throw up right now.

"Hi Annabel"

"Hi, Yulia. How are you?"

"Good Thanks"

"Did you guys order anything?"

"Yes, I got your favorite salad"

Oh thats why he said he wants salad, I was surprised when he asked for salad and stake
"Thank you my love" she touched his hand and looked at me.

Whats? Does she thinks I still like David? Of course not.

"So Yulia whens your boyfriend coming?"

"My boyfriend?" Why she wants to meet him so bad

"You didn't tell him you are meeting your friends for lunch?"

"No, he is too busy today"

"I guess I am super lucky. No matter how busy David is he always finds time to eat with me" hate her smile right not

"He has important meeting today"

"Yeah, what is he doing for life?'

Just when I was about to answer God knows what I saw my phone ringing. In my mind I was thanking for calling whoever it was. When I saw the name I was surprised.

"Alex?" Annabel said "Is that your boyfriend?"

Don't say yes, don't say yes "Yes"

"Hello darling" I said

Alex frozen for few when I said darling. "I don't know what you have been smoking today but I like it"

"I missed you too" Annabel looked at me like she is about to grab my phone out of my hands

"Yuli are you okay?" He said really seriously


"Whatever. I need your help"

"Right now?"

"I left my very important documents in an apartment......"

"Our apartment?" He is shocked and I hate myself right now. He will think I am a weirdo.

"Umm yes, yours"

"So you want me to meet you right now?" Annabel's eyes widen up

"You are closer to it then I am. I am sorry for asking but I car broke in the middle of the street and I am walking to work right now"

"No problem. I am coming"

"Wow, really? I thought you will start yelling at me right now"

"Anytime" I looked at Annabel who looked at me and said "Anytime babe"

I played my hand on the phone and asked Annabel "What?"

"Anytime babe. Boys love hearing that"

"Anytime babe" Alex started causing when he heard that

"Seriously, if you got poised today and about to die just know it wasn't me"

I got up from my seat and said "Gotta go, sorry"

Walked quickly out of restoring and said "I am on my way idiot. Send me address of your work. "

"You are back, good. Okay I will"

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