Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

That day Alex took me home and went back to work. When he is nice to me I really want to be closer to him and his being big ... .... I hate being near him

Few weeks later ............

I got another text message from David asking if he can come in and discuss baseness plan. I have no clue what he is talking about but I text back that he can come in whenever he wants to.

I played my phone down and forgot about everything typing quickly email to our old client.

Nock on the door

I looked up and saw through glass door nice looking guy. Of course it was Davin in his dark suit.

"Come in" I said smiling

"Hey, you said I can come" He said walking very shy into my office

"Yes, come in"

"Wow, nice office Yulia" looking at my office which I always loved. It was light with great view. I had small glass table in the room, few bookshelf and little fake palm tree on the corner and flowers from local market. Girly office if you want to call it.


"You are lucky."

We both sat apposite sides at the my small coffee table because my other table was filled with papers and ideas.

"Yeah" once in my life I got what I really wanted. I mean the job and the office of my dream....... Looking at my office and sitting down on chair

"So, what business plan you have for me?" I smiled and asked

"Oh, right. So I have a good friend who has own vehicle and he is looking for a good commercial"

"Thats great, but where is he?"

"Oh he is out of town so he wanted me to ask you and give you this" he handed me a folder with information about company and the budget for it.

I looked at the name and it seemed familiar "Jacob Andersen?"

He looked up at me "Do you remember him?"

Sure I do, another big bully in school. He spilled water at me when Annabel was dating David and hit my seats and almost killed me at gym. Sure I do..... I hate high school

I barely managed to smile

"Sure I do"

"Great, we had good class."

Nope.... "Aha" looking at the info


"Yes" not even looking up

"I wanted to ask you something"

'What is it?" I said looking up at him

"Why have you stoped being friends with Annabel?"

Because she is a b..... thats why "You know we drop up, we move to other cities and sometimes we forget friends from school" or trying really hard to forget those who were mean to you.

"But you even blocked me from your Facebook page"

Shoe..... "i..."

He schooled closer looked into my eyes and said "Can you tell me what happened"

Wish I could David but I don't want to break your poor heart.

"I have my own reasons" I said looking at him

"I see" he looked down

"I am sorry"

"Hope one day you will be able to talk to me, like I am truly do mean something to you"

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